DRAGON WHELP - Splinterlands Art Contest [ESP-ENG]

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hola a todos, en esta ocasion decidi hacer un dragon, el que mas me gusto fue el dragon whelp aunque en el juego es un dragon varon, quise darle un toque femenino pero conservando su color y agregandole algunos detalles, aprendi a hacer destellos con el Adobe illustrator por lo que se los agregue dandole un efecto muy bueno que resalto.

Hello everyone, this time I decided to make a dragon, the one I liked the most was the whelp dragon, although in the game it is a male dragon, I wanted to give it a feminine touch but keeping its color and adding some details, I learned to make sparkles with it Adobe illustrator so they are added giving it a very good effect that I highlight.

este se_Mesa de trabajo 1.png

Proceso del dibujo:
Drawing process


Boceto del dibujo, enrealidad solo le doy forma al cuerpo, una ves en el adobe ullustrator es con la pluma la cual le doy forma a todo con sus herramientos de este programa.

Sketch of the drawing, in reality I only give shape to the body, once in the adobe illustrator it is with the pen which I give shape to everything with the tools of this program.


El lineart, demore mucho en hacerlo ya que habia que cambiarles muchas partes con el boceto solo hice las proporciones, mientras que ya en el programa detallaba que las proporciones se cumplieran

The lineart took a long time to do it since many parts have to be changed with the sketch I only did the proportions, while in the program I already detailed that the proportions were fulfilled


Agregandole colores en general para tener la idea de los detalles, escoji estos 3 colores bases

Adding colors in general to get the idea of ​​the details, I chose these 3 base colors


Aqui le agregue todos los detalles, di las sombras y luces, demore mucho tiempo por quise hacer todo con paciencia y dar en cada detalle en el blanco

Here I added all the details, of the shadows and lights, it took a long time because I wanted to do everything with patience and hit the target in every detail.

este se_Mesa de trabajo 1.png

Finalizo el dibujo agregandole los destellos y un fondo de una luna llena amarilla.
Finish the drawing by adding the sparkles and a background of a yellow full moon.

Sin título-1.jpg

Dragon Whelp.png

Reference Link

Personaje hecho en Adobe Illustrator

Character made in Adobe Illustrator

¡Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de ver el proceso y el resultado de dicho dibujos espero les guste!

Thank you for taking the time to see the process and the result of said drawings, I hope you like it!


Wow. I love how creative you are with this one.

I like how you made the wings shaped like an egg. And on top of that, you also added a full moon (also rounded) right at the center of the background.
Such a great composition. I found your art very cute. :)

Keep it up.


Thanks ^^


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