My (mediocre) start with Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

So, a bit over 3 weeks ago i started playing Splinterlands...

Goals are obvious:

  • Have fun
  • Profit

So, once i bought the spell book (basically entry fee, 10$), i played for a couple of days with starting deck and decided to buy some card packs, first 10$ then another 10$ and finally 20$ for a total invested of 50$. Now, i wanted generally to invest 100$ in crypto but long KYC times made it difficult (still waiting for Gemini...) and so Splinterlands was a perfect way to do it.

Overall my deck is currently worth $40+ which considering 10$ went for the spell book is basicly 1 : 1 ratio to my investment which gives me now more cards to play with and thus chance to get more rewards from higher leagues but still, what i did was a mistake in hindsight.

You see, as it is always the case with gambling, you rarely get back more or even the same what you invested. I was really lucky to get 1 : 1 my money worth and that's all thanks to 1 card:

Yodin Zaku_lv1.png

Otherwise my deck would be worth around 10$ which is 1/4 my investment in cards and 1/5 my total investment in Splinterlands...

The correct approach:

We know that cards will most likely go up once they are out of print / Splinterlands gains more players, thus the safest way to make some money long term and still have fun would be:

1). buy credits worth of our intended investment

2). after playing for a weak or so, just go on the market and buy cards you want

This will leave you with far better deck and 1:1 investment that will (possibly) only go up in value.

Further Tips:

Join a official discord and ask if you are unsure about something.
Join some guild and ask them as well.
Don't invest more than you can afford to lose.

Obviously, as you can see i'm new to both Splinterlands and generally crypto so take this advice with a grain of salt.

PS: if you want to start playing Splinterlands, i provided some reflinks. Would appreciate.


That seems to me everything but mediocre. Congrats, keep playing and your efforts will be rewarded generously for sure.

The reason why i defined it as mediocre was because the only reason im almost even is thanks to dumb luck, and not the correct choices. Anyway thx!

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You are welcome @emaleth! It is great to see you are doing your first steps! Great work!

I only purchased one of the Untamed Packs, and felt that it was much better to just save the DEC and purchase the cards you want directly. Nothing against the packs, and I know that some people enjoy the mystery, but I remember being quite disappointed.

yup, that's true. there is always that hope you hit the jackpot. I was lucky, most people are not.