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RE: 2022 Goals and Overdue Introduction Post

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

First, it's always a treat to bump into another Age of Empires or Baldur's Gate fan! Much of my youth was spent playing both for nearly a decade with my family. Even now, Age of Empires is still a yearly thing my family tries to come together to play.

Second, I love seeing your goals laid out with concrete numbers that are practical but ambitious. Here's to hopin' you're able to achieve as many of them as possible, and a lil' bump to send you on your way ;)



Hey Entrepidus! I swear there is an army of secret Baldur's Gate fans out there. I really appreciate the comment. I've been reading your posts on everything Gods Unchained.

Oh hey! Glad to see my posts are well-received :)

I, too, think there's a magic wardrobe somewhere out there that leads to the mecca of Isometric D&D games ;P