Splinterlands is so different now - for the better

in Splinterlands4 years ago

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One could argue the collection power update has made all the difference, but while it certainly has improved the market's situation, that's not enough to single-handedly explain why the game feels so much more alive right now. Specially to some of us who have been used to playing mostly against bots, it is really weird to even consider there are so many more people playing Splinterlands lately. But according to @aggroed's AMAs, it is true, we have been reaching new concurrent users peaka every month. That certainly is a much more fitting explanation, although it goes hand in hand with the power update.

When was the last time I had to actually try hard and use expensive cards to get into the gold ranks during the first few days of a season? It might have been over two years ago when I could only get up to Gold II because of a brand new Elemental Phoenix I had to purchase. A couple of a months ago, anyone could do it even if they had nothing but a starter account. While this certainly makes it harder to farm reward cards, each of them have had a price increase in the market.

So it may be harder to get rewards, but each reward feels like it is worth a ton. Specially gold foil legendaries, since they are going to be used in lands. Even a gold foil of the nearly-useless Warrior of Peace is now far enough from burn value. In case you don't actually have any use for one and you're still too far away from having enough power to reach the requirements for your next league advancement, you can easily get in touch with other players who can use your help in the official Discord chat. I'm sure they'd be willing to return the favor somehow.

Actually, this just might be the number one factor severely lacking. It is not really a Splinterlands thing, although it could be boosted by the developers. Major players don't take advantage of their ingame wealth. No one has really thought of how to take their personal influence to the next level. Where are the personal websites, resellers and twitch streamers? Twitch streaming is really not too much of a stretch, though. One could easily gather fans if they offer delegations to their viewers.



Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

I must agree the collection power did make a huge difference within the game. And that being said the market reacted positively around cards. Which really gave many players a reason to hold onto their cards. Land release will make it even more worth it for cards on decks which were just staying there without serving their purpose.

At the very least, lands offer big card holders a new way to make money off idle cards.

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