What is the best new legendary card from Splinterlands' update?

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

At the blockchain gaming dapp Splinterlands, the Dice update is shaking up team strategies once again. It comes with five new amazing legendary cards with the arrival of Dice. I have my opinion of which one is the best. Do you agree? Why, or why not?


The best Dice legendary is... OAKEN BEHEMOTH

Just to clear things up, I am thinking of general use. I understand each card has a more specific benefit than others, but I can't help considering OAKEN BEHEMOTH as my favorite! It's good in every situation, no matter what. For starters, even though it doesn't have void or magic repel, it will still tank thanks to dodge and void armor.

But it gets better: it's good in super sneak as the last monster, it's good as the 2nd position in standard ruleset, and of course, it's great as a front line tank. Too bad you can't pick it in the melee only rule set.


But why use him as a tank? Because you can, not because it's the most efficient card. You'll be able to heal him right up and even repair his armor without worries, as long as you focus on destroying their tank too. That's why knockout is on this card after all. Also, let's not forget how useful he is in 99 mana battles.

This is such a good general use card at all card levels. It might not be your first pick when you're in a tournament, but it should probably be in your team in every 25+ mana ranked battle.

What about you? What's your favorite... And why?


You can use it in melee only ruleset. You CANNOT use it in no melee ruleset though.

Using Red Dragon always made me auto-lose with an "invalid team" error, though.

That is weird, I always use war-chaang in melee only rule.

I never tried war-chaang because I gave up after Red Dragon... Maybe it was updated?

Probably. I used it a lot so I should know.

Not war-chaang, I meant Red Dragon. Basically melee + magic, not melee + ranged.

I'm pretty sure they both can be used. I've had people use both war-chaang, red dragon ,and vigalator on me in melee only matches.


Hey @felipejoys, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Oh! I love this one too!

And embarrassingly enough... I JUST realized that monsters with double attack (melee + something else) CAN play in Melee Mayhem. And they actually get to use their other attack!

Yeah. I'd probably use him as a tank, but with that reach I'm likely to stick him in 2nd most times.

Loving the new cards!
Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, if @cornavirus hadn't let me know this was fixed, I would never have guessed.