How I miss pre-Chaos Fire Splinter

in Splinterlands2 years ago

I've always been biased towards the fire element, in fantasy games. For instance, fire type Pokémon are my favourite Pokémon. Just like that, I fell in love with Fire splinter in the first few games that I played. By far, I personally find Pyre is the coolest out of the two fire starter summoners. Having played some to many Fire splinter battles using Pyre, I've finally found the sweet spot for using Pyre Fire splinter which I call Speed Fire strategy deck. Basically, any battle with 12 to 18 mana cap is best for this deck. It even does well against the Water Magic deck that always stymied my ranked battle winning streak. My main combo using Pyre is Cerberus as tank followed by Serpentine Spy, Kobold Miner. These are usually my go to line up for 12 mana battle. For additional mana, my favourites are Fire Beetle, Fire Elemental and Spark Pixies.

Here are several of my best Speed Fire games:
Speed Fire vs Death Heal Melee

Speed Fire vs Death Heal Ranger

Speed Fire vs Malric Fire

Speed Fire vs Magic Water

Speed Fire vs Magic Water

Although Pyre Speed Fire is my favourite deck, it is not a fool proof deck. There are times where I lost and boy did I lose spectacularly. Examples are like in the games below.

Speed Fire deck does not perform well against Cerberus lead Malric fire deck.
Speed Fire vs Malric Fire

Another bane for the Speed Fire strategy? That dang thorns...can't even get near them!
Speed Fire vs Dragon Fire

Sometimes, it really depends on a coin flip. For instance, take this game:
Speed Fire vs Retaliate Earth - LOST

You can see that the crucial reason for the loss in this game is the “retaliate” ability by Stonesplitter. But like I said, it’s all a coin flip. Check out this game:
Speed Fire vs Retaliate Earth - WON

You can see that the main lineup match is almost similar to the previous game, “retaliate” happened only once and winning was a breeze. In the losing game previously, “retaliate” was triggered during EVERY ATTACK by my minions. Now what are the chances of that huh?

So what happens when you encounter another like minded player who also favours Speed Fire. It always ends in a draw.
Speed Fire Vs Speed Fire - DRAW

So why do I miss pre-Chaos fire splinter? Because my main tanker Cerberus is no longer available as a starter card. You need to rent it out from the market and at the time of writing, the cheapest Cerberus is 0.451 DEC per day. Maybe the cost is not too much for those who have been playing for some time now but for newbie who can only get 0.1xxx DEC per win in Bronze II (assuming you somehow manage to increase your power from Bronze III to Bronze II and you have good capture rate), it can be quite taxing. But as you go up the League, it gets better since your winning DEC also gets higher.

But hey, now we have the charming Tarsa in our Fire splinter. Perhaps it is time to rethink the strategy...and find a way to overcome Obsidian and her maniacal magic firing minions.