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RE: A few thoughts on the Soulbound Reward cards....// Ein paar Gedanken zu den Soulbound Reward Karten...

in Splinterlands11 months ago

The demand for these cards will mostly come from future players who did not had the chance to earn them during the distribution phase. So instead of having tons of penny reward cards on the market as before, we will have none - until the next generation hits and the current ones slowly start growing in demand. Could be interesting. !1UP


Yes, and there can be just also the problem - If you can buy a card only on the Max Level - problem is exactly there, if the distribution of the cards stops and I have from a few cards only a few or have a near Max Level card - something like 399/400 BCX are the 399 worthless.

I am sure there will be single BCX cards sellable as well. Maybe the cost more to unlock, comparatively.