Rebellion: Other new cards that I liked [ENG-ESP]

in Splinterlands8 months ago


After reviewing again some of the REBELLION cards that you showed some days ago, I have come to the conclusion that there are two other cards that I find interesting and I would like to talk a little about them, also, after reviewing the post where you showed the most recent cards, I could see that in one of the comments, a user had published a card that had not been officially published in other posts and the truth is that I also found it interesting, so I will also talk about it.

MOXIAN REBEL: It is a card of the NEUTRAL type, really interesting, especially for its low mana cost, with a use cost value of four (4) mana, makes it a pretty good card to use especially in battles where the amount of mana available is not much, it is also a card that although in its first levels really weak, having very little amount of life to the point that it can be eliminated with a single attack, it is not until LVL 5 or 6 where its great capacity for improvement intensifies, both in the improvement of its general stats, as in the integration of skills, being its greatest point (logically) its MAX LVL, where its skills and capabilities in battle are given to shine. This is a card I would like to have in my collection, although I could not use it at MAX LVL because my summoners barely reach LVL 4, but it is still a good choice of card.

RUNESEER SEVAYA: Although I have not used the DRAGON deck much for some time now, with the integration of the new REBELLION cards, I have seen some really interesting cards from this deck, which make me want to improve the DRAGON deck, which is a deck that I like, but I have not given it enough importance to get good cards. Being RUNESEER SEVAYA, one of those cards that I would like to have to improve this deck, since this card is an excellent "support card", which has abilities not only to improve my cards on the battlefield, but also has some abilities capable of affecting my opponent's cards, being a very interesting option to use, although in terms of stats it has none that gives it any kind of attack and in terms of life points, it is perhaps a little weak, although for all the skills that it is able to learn, it makes sense that it has that limit barrier.

RUNESEER SEVAYA: And finally there is this card, from the FIRE deck, which is probably the deck that will improve soon thanks to the new cards of this type that have been showing, which look pretty good to use, one of them is RUNESEER SEVAYA, a card of the Rank Attack type, quite powerful, for the small amount of mana it consumes, this is something that surprised me when I first looked at it and especially because it is a RARE card, and when I saw it for the first time I thought it would at least be EPIC. I really need this card in my collection, this way maybe I will start to like the FIRE deck again.


Luego de revisar nuevamente alguna de las cartas REBELLION que mostraron hace algunos días, he llegado a la conclusión que hay otras dos cartas que me parecen interesantes y quisiera hablar un poco sobre ellas, además, luego de revisar el post donde mostraban las más recientes cartas, pude ver que en uno de los comentarios que, un usuario había publicado una carta que no había sido publicada oficialmente en otros post y la verdad es que también me pareció interesante, por lo que también hablaré de ella.

MOXIAN REBEL: Es una carta del tipo NEUTRAL, realmente interesante, especialmente por su bajo coste de mana, con un valor de coste de uso de cuatro (4) de mana, la hace una carta bastante buena para utilizar especialmente en batallas donde la cantidad de mana disponible no es mucha, además es una carta que aunque en sus primeros niveles realmente débil, teniendo muy poca cantidad de vida al punto de que puede llegar a ser eliminada de un solo ataque, no es hasta LVL 5 O 6 donde su gran capacidad de mejora se intensifica, tanto en la mejora de sus stats generales, como en la integración de habilidades, siendo su mayor punto (lógicamente) su MAX LVL, donde se da a relucir sus habilidades y capacidades en batalla. Esta es una carta que quisiera tener en mi colección, aunque no podría utilizar en MAX LVL debido a que mis invocadores apenas llegan a LVL 4, pero aun así es una buena opción de carta.

RUNESEER SEVAYA: Aunque desde hace algún tiempo ya no utilizo mucho el mazo DRAGON, con la integración de las nuevas cartas REBELLION, he visto algunas cartas de este mazo realmente interesantes, las cuales me hacen querer mejorar el mazo DRAGON, el cual es un mazo que me gusta, pero no le he dado la suficiente importancia como para obtener buenas cartas. Siendo RUNESEER SEVAYA, una de esas cartas que me gustaría tener para mejorar este mazo, ya que esta carta es una excelente “carta soporte”, la cual cuenta con habilidades no solo para mejorar a mis cartas en el campo de batalla, sino que también cuenta con algunas habilidades capaces de afectar a la cartas de mi contrincante, siendo una opción bastante interesante de utilizar, aunque en términos de stats no posee ninguno que le otorgue ataque de ningún tipo y que en lo que respecta a cantidad de puntos de vida, quizás sea un poco débil, aunque para todas las habilidades que es capaz de aprender, tiene sentido que tenga esa barrera de limite.

RUNESEER SEVAYA: And finally there is this card, from the FIRE deck, which is probably the deck that will improve soon thanks to the new cards of this type that have been showing, which look pretty good to use, one of them is RUNESEER SEVAYA, a card of the Rank Attack type, quite powerful, for the small amount of mana it consumes, this is something that surprised me when I first looked at it and especially because it is a RARE card, and when I saw it for the first time I thought it would at least be EPIC. I really need this card in my collection, this way maybe I will start to like the FIRE deck again.



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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121