Splinterlands - Share Your Battle - Shadow Snitch

in Splinterlands3 years ago


The following article is my contribution to the weekly “Share Your Battle” competition. In this week’s theme is to battle with the common Death monster “Shadow Snitch”. I will structure this article as follows: First, I will talk about the Shadow Snitch itself and what makes it special. Secondly, I will give a break down on what perfect use cases for this monster would be, followed by my line ups. In the last section I will show you examples of battles with the Shadow Snitch.

Shadow Snitch

Let’s take a look at today’s star: Shadow Snitch. It is a common card from the Death Splitner. Furthermore, it is part of the Chaos Legion expansion, which means that everybody is able to play this card on its first level. At level one, it has one Melee damage combined with the lowest speed possible. On the bright side, this card is very health heavy which is new to Death Monsters as they are usually low on health. The cost of 4 mana rounds this card up. In total, I would not say that this card is an absolute gem but it surely has some potential to be used, especially in those low mana match ups as we will see later.


The big advantage, that this card brings to the table is definitely its ability. The card picture even gives the ability away which is exactly the type of art I love. The ability we are talking about is “Reach”. For those who don’t know, this ability allows a Melee attacker to attack from the second position. This ability is also very valuable as it is active in fog match ups which disable the sneak and snipe ability for example.


Line Ups and Strategies

Okay, now that we talked about the Shadow Snitch itself, how are we going to use it? Well, the most obvious use case is to position this card in the second position with a massive tank in front of it. I think this is how this card is designed to be played and I am also proposing to play this way as all the other positions would be a waste of space. However, it now comes to the specific match up on which tanks and which support units we are going to choose.

In always all case I would use the Death Summonder Thaddius Brood as he decreases the Health and the magic damage of the opponent. Furthermore, I think that Cursed Windeku is a great tank to use. Not only does it have 9 health and 2 Melee damage at level one but it also has the Thorns ability which basically increases its damage per turn to 4. And all of this is just for 6 mana. In my opinion the Cursed Windeku is a bargain to play in every Death Match Up.

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After that, there are several ways to go. Either you choose the path of blood leech where you use monsters like Venari Bonesmith and Life Sapper to increase the life of these monsters while you are attacking your opponent. The other way is to go the Sneak Path and bring monsters like Undead Badger and Silent Sha-Vi to destroy your opponent from the back. Both cases are valid and depend on the opponents history. In either way you have two solid monsters in front who are dealing damage at the same time!

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Looking at the Match-Ups that I want to present we have a loss in the first battle. Here, the opponent clearly outplayed us. Not only did he have a better strategy but his Shadow Snitch was also level three which gave him the advantage of one extra speed and one extra health which is always important in an Earth-Quake match up. Furthermore, it wasn’t my brightest idea to put Riftwing in the first position but we learn from our mistakes!



The second battle however, my strategy worked perfectly. Here we were up against an Earth team. We chose the tactic that I described before. Windeku first, Shadow Snitch second. Unfortunately, there was no more mana left. My opponent chose the Unicorn Mustang which is a very powerful card, but because Widneku has the Thorns ability and Shadow Snitch can attack it an additional time we managed to defeat this team fairly easy.



Hope you liked my contribution to today’s week’s “Share My Battle”. If you have any feedback on the writing style or on my strategies, I am always open for it and always like to improve! 😊

Published by ga38jem on


On 28th January 2022


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