A varied day! Packs, battles and more | Theme: Share Your Journey!

in Splinterlands9 months ago

What's up? I'm back with more to tell about Splinterlands, this time in terms of open Gladius card packs, battle experiences and a bit more.

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

I had several interesting battles, but among all of them I would highlight this one below, because I used a summoner that allows the use of gladiators and I took advantage of using the captain. At first things didn't look good for me, but the gladiator turned things around.

However, there was a moment when she came within one blow of falling, but her bloodlust kept her on her feet. The minotaur fell, the eagle fell, but the captain stood and powered her way to victory. Of course she didn't do it alone, the crossbowman behind and the time mage also has quite a bit of credit on her side.

The enemy strategy was quite respectable. He used a martyr to power up the minotaur and had the pegasus to break the armor, so one of my summoner's buffs was appeased. Besides this I had a healer (Venari CrystalSmith) and also the time mage, so I had a good variety of buffs and debuffs.


Gladius packs open on this occasion:

I had been accumulating Gladius packs for quite some time to see how I was doing, the truth was aiming for gold, of which only one came out, but even so I would say that between epic and legendary things did not go so badly. In total there were 14 packs, in which I would highlight these rewards:

  • Tatiana Blayde
  • Captain Katie (Gold)
  • Quora Towershield
  • Gorth
  • Trapp Falloway

There were quite a few clan battles to accumulate those 14 packs, the truth is that you feel some satisfaction when you open them in batches. That "casino" style effect is dangerous hahaha, I have seen people compulsively buy packs because of that feeling, not only in this game but also in others like League of Legends or Counter Strike, although the system there is different, it is rather by "boxes".


On the way back to the silver leaguen:

I hadn't spent any time on Wild type battles for a while, so I was at the end of the bronze league. Since I had some free time I decided to try my luck. I started with various strategies, but then, noticing how I was doing with the ground splinter and specifically using Quora, I decided to focus on that strategy, combining it with healers and "Silent" carriers, I won several battles, I also got to use Tatiana Blayde supporting her with martyrs (this strategy I did not apply it very well because of the positioning). Since the magic was giving very good results, I also tried my luck with Delwyn combined with the water splinter, with the death splinter things were more negative, but despite that I kept going.

I tried with Bortus and it wasn't bad at all, the snake with "Dodge" did very well, but then I went back to focus on the earth splinter, however with Mylor, as the thorns ensured several victories, Unicorn Mustang hand in hand with this summoner does incredible things. I also repeated the strategy of applying leaving a martyr as bait to then boost the offensive tank.

It took me quite a few battles to reach silver again, but not as many as a few seasons ago, when I was blocked and did not climb because the competition was pretty tough, things have softened a bit, I guess also because of the changes made regarding the requirements to move up the league. I will see if I continue to climb to see how much the difficulty scales with respect to the players I face, I estimate that it will be in gold that things will be more difficult, but it is only a guess, I would have to make a deeper analysis to reach a more objective conclusion.












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