Ajax, an elusive gladiator! | Curious Battles 72#

Good night! Here I am back with another battle to share, this time again with two legends who were able to share a team thanks to Brune Eternan. However, what stood out this time was the dodging ability of the elusive Ajax Lightfoot.

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

At the front, Desert Dragon and Living Magma faced each other. This dragon had Flying and Trample, plus Magic Reflect and Fury. Magic Reflec was quite forgotten due to the absence of mages in both teams, but the rest of his abilities showed the serious mistake of underestimating him.

For my part, Living Magma, the classic tank known for its toughness provided by "Shield", its ability par excellence, was my choice. As for summoners, I opted for Eternan Brune, the savage leader that gives access to another gladiator apart from the one allowed by the Brawl mode. My opponent chose Brighton Blossom.


For the second position, the mighty Sand Worm was on the opposing team. He fulminated Ash Mirage, after the attack he received from Dumackle Exile.

Shortly after, Desert Dragon fell at the hands of Tatiana Blayde, giving her a charge of bloodlust and leaving Sand Worm face to face against Living Magma. Living Magma was tanking very well, at the beginning he didn't even flinch at the crossbowman's attacks.

Then the debuff to the archers fell next to Ash Mirage, so that plus was negatively affected. However, Sand Worm, who was the ideal to fulminate him, didn't manage to hit him because he fell to Lava Launcher. For the second position of my team I opted to choose Phineas Rage, the Reach carrier, with great speed for decent damage.



Dumackle Exile was the third one chosen by my rival, who was the first to damage Ash Mirage, after the fall of Sand Worm he was facing Living Magma and managed to dodge one of his attacks, so that later he fell at the hands of Ajax Lightfoot. Shortly after, Dumackle fell at the hands of Fina Voxom, leaving Ajax in front of Phineas Range.For my part Tatiana Blayde covered the third place, the second legend, who like Fina Voxom accumulated loads of her bloodlust.



For the fourth place Lava Launcher was the one chosen by me, this one started impacting Desert Dragon and leaving him at 1 point of life after the punishment of the rest to the dragon and the fall of the defender with Taunt from the rear.

He also gave the coup de grace to Sand Worm in round 2, but missed three hits against Ajax, who by that time was quite boosted in his speed. It was Tatiana Blayde who finished off the elusive Ajax Lightfoot.



For the rearguard I chose Fina Voxom and Ash Mirage, Ash's contribution helped to reduce the archers' impact, but not for long, as the sand stalker fulminated him with his powerful physical damage points added to his "Sneak" ability.

Fina, for her part, started by giving the coup de grace to Shieldbearer, with Dumackle Exile and also against the most popular crossbowman of the life splinter. In the enemy rearguard, ShieldBearer and Pelacor Arbalest, a lover of double attack and a defender capable of attracting the attention of an entire team, stood out.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click here.

Extra Curious facts:

Ajax LightFoot in one round dodged Lava Launcher, Tatiana Blayde and also Fina Voxom. But he was damaged by Phineas Rage. His inability to attack in front because he was an archer left him vulnerable to fall sooner or later. For the next round he dodged Lava Launcher and Fina Voxom but fell at the hands of Tatiana Blayde. A total of 5 attacks dodged, his 7 speed points were key to this achievement.


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