Amplify was the key! - Weekly Battle Challenge

What's going on? Here I am back with another battle to share about a battle focused on this week's condition, known as "Keep your distance". Physical attackers are banned, but pacifists, archers and mages are still present.

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

On the front, a fast and elusive bat was my monster of choice, Riftwing, in its golden version that I acquired a long time ago and that has been quite useful for me to overcome several battles where resisting was the key, either by poison, by earthquake or because melee attackers were not allowed as today.

For his part, my opponent chose the death elemental, of these elementals there is also a water elemental that I like a lot, but for this case, this one, whose purple color makes it stand out, stands out for its sniper ability. Although the truth is that it was wasted because it was in front. This one didn't manage to do much because his magic attack was returned with double damage because of Amplify, the ability that amplifies the effects of Thorns, Magic Reflec and similar. Thus falling in the first turn.


For the second place, Riftwing appears again but in the enemy camp, with a little more life and without the golden glow, his summoner reduced a little the life of my allies and also reduced the magic attack of the mage I had placed.

The enemy Riftwing resisted until the 3rd round, it was a battle of scavengers, where the one that took less damage, which in this case was mine, because he dodged several times. Occasions in which he would surely have fallen if he had been hit.

As for me, Cabalist was the one who covered the second place, with his ability "Amplify" he turned the ability provided by my summoner into the key to victory, because there were 3 mages in the opposing lineup, all three fell because of the enhanced magic reflex.



Life Sapper was the third one chosen by my rival, a "mini-lich", but he is able to absorb life with Life Leach, his favorite ability. However, the magic reflex condemned him, the life he absorbed was not enough to compensate for the reflex damage he received. In round 2 his downfall was consummated.

Twisted Jester was the one who was in that position, supporting in the offensive as an archer with Snipe, at first she broke Life Sapper's defense, although this did not contribute so much because she would have fallen for the reflected magic damage, without that extra attack. Later she broke the defense of rival Soul Strangler, and ended up finishing him with a withering attack in round 4.



Ravenhood Warden was my opponent's choice for the fourth position, he took advantage of his ability to armor his team, which gave him some more time, but not enough to resist everything that was to come. He held out until the 4th round when Soul Strangler knocked him down with a punch.

For my part, the little spider known as "Haunted Spider", was in that position on my team. Unfortunately he missed several attacks, but managed to break the armor of, precisely, RavenHood Warden.



At the end was Soul Strangler and the well-known moquito slowdown. Venari SpellSmith and yes, again Soul Strangler was present in the rear.

Little Venari fell to the magic reflection and Soul Strangler fell to Twister Jester, as I had mentioned some time ago.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click here. For information to join in this challenge click here.

Curious fact:

In this battle there were two repeated cards, other than that I did have a considerable card level advantage. Other than that, had I been pitted against the summoner that reduced damage to range, things would have turned into my defeat.


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Thanks you!!

Mixing magic shield ability from your summoner with amplifier is pretty powerful. Great line up and nice post :-)

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post! Comment Footer.jpg

Definitely! It is a brutal combo to surprise the opponent

Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

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