Armor, more armor and resurrection! - Weekly Battle Challenge

in Splinterlands9 months ago

Greetings! A new week, a new themed battle to share, this time the condition is "Target Practice".

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA



In the first position I placed a card quite used in the league where I am, it is known as "Djinn Oshannus", it has Void and because of the battle condition, it also has Snipe, although the latter is not much use if the card is in front. Against him was Noa "The Righteous", a fast carrier of "Rust", which affects hard armor, but is the type of cards called "punching bags", as they only serve as a tank focused only on defense, it has no attack. His debufff is respectable, and his armor added to his life make him tough, but the magic present in my team made him not last long, even though he managed to dodge several attacks. The coup de grace was given by Oshannus himself.


Para la segunda posición Baakjira, una legendaria carta que conozco de primera mano, pues hace tiempo la compré y fue muy funcional en una temporada en la que la magia era muy pero muy usada en las estrategias. Actualmente no la uso tanto pero sigue entre mis cartas. Esta ballena legendaria entro en acción luego de la segunda caída de Noa, luego de su resurrección por parte de la legenda en el equipo enemigo que orquesto ese suceso.

Por su habilidad "void" resistio muy bien la ofensiva de Oshannus, pero Tide Bitter hizo un gran trabajo reduciendo su vitalidad, a pesar de que cayó poco despues. Sin embargo, no fue ni Tide ni Oshannus quien la derrotaron, sino DeepLurker.



Tide Bitter, who despite his low mana requirement and low health, took advantage of his ability to contribute a lot to the offense from the second position. Tide Bitter was the target of DeepLurker, enemy, the same that was chosen by me in the same position (the third), because he is tremendously effective with attack power, his life points and opportunism.

There was a marked difference in level between the two but despite that, the enemy did quite a lot of damage in my field, in fact he was about to finish Oshannus, already at the end of the battle, but fell because of the difference in speed between the two.

By the end there were only two mages left with 1 magic damage, so Oshannus was practically unbeatable at that moment, due to his void ability, added to his attack and the support of my team's Deeplurker.



For the fourth position, Pelacor Bandit was present in the rival team, with his "Sneak" as an ability, he managed to give some hits, but his low attack power made them not so effective, he fell to Deeplurker in the 6th Round.

For my part, the pirate captain was the target of the attacks of several mages and the opportunistic and powerful rival. He did not dodge much, as his slowness left him vulnerable.



For the end I put the epic gladiator Edith, she has a lot of damage but, she was targeted by the rival mages and attackers early on, along with Ice Pixie who suffered a similar fate.

In the opponent's field were the legendary mage with "Resurrec" which kept Noa standing for a while longer and Venari Wavesmith, which increased even more the opponent's armor, which was already buffed by the summoner. It was a very defensive match, but the level difference was in my favor.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click [here] ( REPLY LINK ). For information to join in this challenge click [here] ( CHALLENGE LINK ).

Curious fact:

The battle, which had already gone 8 rounds, seemed to be going straight to my defeat, but, the difference in speed, and the lack of magic damage, made things different. I would say that if I had a little more level in his rival cards, I would have lost, as the damage would have been higher and the speed as well.


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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice