Finally, Brune at level 2! | Curious Battles 63#

What's up? I'm back with another curious battle to share, this time a legendary gladiator wreaked havoc thanks to the arrival of Brune!

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

On the front, two tanks are facing each other, on the one hand Harklaw, from the splinter of death, with great defense due to the ability that, like Living Magma, makes them more resistant to physical attacks and non-magical range.

On the other hand, my opponent had the advantage in the front by being a legendary card with more armor and life, Harklaw was a little ahead with respect to Living Magma.


Fineas Rage was my second champion, this fast and formidable Reach carrier is one of the cards I use most often when I use the fire splinter, since he has 2 damage and 8 health, he works well as a tank when it's his turn to be in front.

After the fall of Living Magma at the hands of Djinn Muirat's magic, he was face to face against Harklaw, whom he couldn't take down and then fell from a magic attack by the one who took down his predecessor. The opponent chose Arachne Thing, in its golden version that has nothing to envy to Fineas, because despite the difference in rarity (Normal-Rare), it was able to do a lot for his team.



In the third position, a small mage capable of stun was my choice, a technology lover who was greatly affected by the rival summoner, as his life and magic were reduced. This mage fell early, as he was the first rival target.

On enemy ground, Djinn Muirat, the one responsible for the fall of several of my creatures, was the one who covered that position. It was not until round 5 that Tenyii Striker took him down.



For the fourth place, Fina Voxom, the legendary opportunist was my chosen card. This gladiator was able to be in this Wild type ranked because of the Eternan Brune ability that apart from reducing the opponent's armor, gives the possibility to use a gladiator. In the first round she killed the small bird of prey that was covering the enemy's rear, thus feeding her thirst for blood, which gave her more power to fulminate Lira The Dark in the second round.

In round 3 he fulminated Dhampir Stalker with a blow but was left in front by the fall of Fineas, so he had to function as a tank with great power and speed, although despite the great difference in the latter stat, Harklaw gave him a blow and Arachne Thing also so he was quite weak before achieving another charge of his bloodlust in round 5 which was when Harklaw missed his attack and then fell by the blow of Fina.



Bringing up the rear was Tenyii Striker and also a creature that I like to add to my strategies for its ability to reduce ranged attack, "Ash Mirage". The latter unfortunately fell early as he was the second target of the snipers, but in truth, it gave the team some time to not take so much damage at the hands of Dhampir Stalker and Lira the Dark.

In the enemy rearguard were Carrion Shade and Lira the Dark, both fell at the hands of Fina Voxom, the legendary gladiator.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click here.

Extra Curious facts:

  • It was on 05/14/23 that I managed to get 2 cards of the summoner Eternan Brune, exactly the amount needed to raise it to level 2 and to be able to take better advantage of my cards of the splinter of fire and at the same time to the Gladius edition of this splinter.

  • Despite the amount of charges that Fina Voxom got from her bloodlust, she was still beaten by Harklaw and Arachne Thing, not always the speed advantage ensures dodging at the key moment.





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