Two formidable legendary gladiators! | Curious Battles 71#

What's up? Today I bring another curious battle to share, where the battlefield is ablaze with the excitement of combat. For this occasion two legendary gladiators shone on my team.

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From Splinterlands and edited with CANVA

For the first place in my team, Goblin Mech appears. This metallic giant that reminds me of the goblins that cut down trees in Warcraft III, has a pretty firm armor and life points that are not to be underestimated. Although, it is true that it requires quite a lot of mana.

Unfortunately he didn't resist all the punishment he received from the archers, the mage and the Windeku's thorns that were his undoing, as that residual damage was what brought him down.

Although Windeku was not unharmed, he was in fact down to 1 point of life. He ended up falling at the hands of Tatiana Blayde, early in the second turn, from a hit from her ranged attack that he was able to use despite being in first place because of his "Close Range" ability. He therefore took the opportunity to damage the ghost soldier that same turn.


For second place comes the first gladiatorial legend of this battle, in my lineup. This is Tatiana Blayde, who, as I mentioned, started her massacre by finishing with Cursed Windeku, and without getting damaged by the thorns thanks to her Close Range. Despite this, Octospider didn't miss the opportunity to take her down at the end of the third round.

The soldier's ghost managed to land a blow on Tatiana that left him vulnerable for his fall at the hands of OctoSpider. That magical attack was the beginning of the end for Blayde. However, Lava Launcher struck him with a blow from a distance.



For the third position Silent Sha-Vi was my opponent's choice, personally I love this card. I consider it very similar to Deeplurker, from the water splinter. It is excellent for its speed, attack and ability.

This snake opened by finishing off my Furious Chicken, which was positioned precisely to tank at least one hit. However, the snake couldn't do much in this battle, other than knock down the little chicken, because Fina Voxom, soon knocked it down, in the second round.

Fina Voxom was my card of choice for this position, the second legendary gladiator in this card combo. With the fall of Tatiana Blayde, Fina was left in front against Liza Fox, being stalked by OctoSpider. However, she was so strong from the charges of bloodlust, that she knocked Liza down with one blow, in round 3.



For fourth place, the well-known Creeping Ooze, a slowdown par excellence and mini tank, was the choice of my opponent, who by that time had a certain speed advantage. However, Fina Voxom used it as food for her bloodlust, as in round 1 she knocked it down and started her power path.

For my part it was Serpetine Spy whom I chose, this one supported quite a lot in the offensive, leaving the snake Silent Sha-Vi a hit away from one of the gladiators. He also attacked other monsters, among which was Octospider in his last moments.



Bringing up the rear were Liza Fox and OctoSpider, both of whom were taken down by Fina Voxom, feeding her bloodlust and leaving her extremely powerful at the end of the battle. This after the fall of Tatiana Blayde.

For my part it was Lava Launcher and Furious Chicken who covered the back. Furious Chicken didn't last long, but Lava Launcher did support a lot with her formidable attacks.



The complete alineation was:


If you want to see the replay click here.

Extra Curious facts:

Fina Voxom reached a total of 7 points of physical damage and 8 points of speed at the end of the battle. Quite a barbarity, to tell the truth. As a bonus, I add that this battle was played by a fellow Guild member, who covered for me while I couldn't play in the brawls, so I've decided to dedicate part of the post reward to her account. I think it's only fair.


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