Analysis --> 12th full season in Splinterlands - Rewards and Stats (Silver I, and later Gold I) + Season end Rewards and Stats for my alt account (Bronze I)

in Splinterlands2 years ago


The end of the 4th season of the new rewards system has come. I am still enjoying the way it works and I think it is actually pretty well-balanced overall. Here's what I got from my 91 Silver I chests:
  • 21 Legendary Potions;
  • 34 Alchemy Potions;
  • 436 DEC;
  • a total of 29 cards - no legedaries, 1 epic, 1 GF common
  • 88 merits

Even though this is the largest amount of EOS chests I've opened so far, these rewards are by far the worst. Well.. that's how probabilities work.. You win some, you lose some. Despite that, generating rewards in all forms is all this is about so the wheel has to keep on turning. 😉


And here's the summary for the whole season. Note that after Modern/Wild came out I advanced to Gold, so the below is for 105 Gold Chests and 129 Silver chests:

  • 3 packs;
  • 3858 DEC;
  • 74 cards - 3 epics, 1 GF rare, 3 GF commons;
  • 603 Merits;
  • 115 Alchemy Potions;
  • 144 Legendary Potions;



  • All the data in the sections below has been obtained from HERE
So this season was a bit more special in a few different ways. First of all it was about 4 days longer than usual, then Modern and Wild launched somewhere midway through the season, and lastly but definitely not in terms of importance, the SPS drop ended a few days before the end of the season. As you can see I spent most of my time at least initially in Wild cause I got my a*s kicked in Modern, which is obvious by the negative win/loss ration I had there for the season. However, in the last few days I switched to Modern for the still better DEC earning per game, battles getting a bit easier in the end of the season at my rating, and also upgrading my deck to level 5 CL summoners and upgrading all CL commons to level 6, all CL rares to level 5, and some epics and legendaries to level 4 and 3 respectively.



I did sign up for as many tourneys as possible, however, when I switched to Gold most of the silver tourneys and all of the bronze ones became unplayable for me due to the restrictive pricing for Gold level players. That was kind of underwhelming but I guess I might try signing up to as many tourneys as possible in the beginning of the season while I am still in Silver.


Decent earnings for the amount of tourneys I have entered.


As I mentioned in the first section, I've received a total of 74 cards. That's about average judging by the amount of cards I've received in previous seasons.


The 3 packs I've received definitely make a difference. I hope I will keep getting at least a few packs per season in Gold.

The DEC per battle has definitely seen a significant increase in Modern due to the lower amount of bots dwelling there.



Well it's been a fun ride but it's over now. This will be the last report displaying an SPS Airdrop amount. It's already sorely missed. But hey better times are ahead of us for sure.. 😎


My first rental report as I have recently began using the service of the rental bot. I'm renting out all my duplicate cards. Not touching anything from my main deck though so about 5K DEC from duplicates is pretty nice.


Let's see how the new system treats the poor ol' Bronze players or in this case my poor Bronze alt account.😁 Here's the breakdown of the screenshot containing 81 Bronze Chests:
  • 10 Legendary Potions;
  • 16 Alchemy Potions;
  • 369 DEC;
  • a total of 21 cards - no legs or GFs (which is expected) but I did get 1 epic;
  • 61 Merits;

So again the rewards are in line with the % distribution provided by the team.

Let's have a look at my total earnings for the season on this account for 331 chests.

  • 2160 DEC;
  • 85 cards - 5 epics;
  • 477 Merits;
  • 56 Legendary potions;
  • 53 Alchemy potions;

I am actually very pleased with what I have gotten so far for the month. Compared to what Bronze players used to get there is just no comparison actually.

I played both Moder and Wild with more or less similar success but you can see that my Modern win/loss ratio is a bit lower after all. Again this is due to the fact that it was initially a bit harder to win games in Modern as the competition was fiercer. I think it has more or less normalized now. I am planning to spend my time in Modern going forward.


First 3 tournaments I participated on this account in. They were novice ones so I paid about 20 DEC of entry fees for them and got 16 SPS in return. A pretty good deal if you ask me.


Here are a bit more details related to the breakdown of the cards I got.


And the details for the rewards broken down by daily/season chests:

The DEC earned by playing is definitely a lot higher than what it was last season.


Again - waving the SPS drop "Goodbye" even on my lowly Bronze account it shall be missed. 😁

GhostlyBG, over and out


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