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RE: No more rewards for new players!!? Increased rewards for bots?! (Long'term problems!)

Even new players only purchasing the spellbook can earn thousands of reward shares (and cards) over the course of a year if I understand the math correctly. Time will tell, but I am optimistic about the rewards changes and its potential on new/veteran players alike. I think bot farms extracting value from the game will be dis-incentivized because of the 'ghost card' change. If the do still exsist, they'll probably have to merge account/resources. Maybe we see less bots?


Bot farms only have to buy specefic cards / summoners and they are set.

For new players you will not get shares of you use ghost cards, so no shares unless you buy stuff. Amd then they get 3 times more potions than higher leagues.

I don't know i mightbe wrong.
But for example, how would you get friends excited about splinterlands?