SPLINTERLANDS SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! Portal Spinner

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

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It is always fun when you get to level up a card for the Challenge. Life is my only level 3 team and I had not got my Portal Spinner there so I went ahead and took some of the profit from my last post and leveled him up. Then it was off to the battlefield. Let me show you how it worked out for me.

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Let's talk about the Portal Spinner a bit. Scatter Shot is fun but not always good for the team. Still, this card can help you kill a target that you can't attack because of Taunt. This can help a lot sometimes vs that Shield Bearer Deck that tries to make him immortal. Yet at the same, you can see that shot always goes to where you don't want it to go. This ability unlike others is very feast or famine. My battle showed this to a point but it was a bit of an easy win.

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The Line Up
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This was a reverse speed game with a lot of mana. That is a good sent up for my Life team. I was able to put out a lot of archers and I didn't need a time mage slow because now they have a much better chance to hit. I went with the Disintegrator upfront because of Demoralize and at level 3 he is only one speed making him the fastest in this mode. I follow up with the Djinn Renova because I wanted the life buff and 3 speed isn't a big deal for a magic attack. Next was my healer also at 3-speed, then 2-speed guys Arbalest and the Portal Spinner follow-up with the Prismologist. The idea there was to put the cards with armor on the end to slow down sneak attackers. This also put a lot of protection around my Arblast and Portal Spinner the 2 powerful cards for this fight. Well, The Prismologist is strong also but the double attack and scattershot is what I hoped would carry me. I rand into a Kelya deck. That was a little odd in this mode so maybe a bot but still the lineup wasn't terrible. They have two opportunity attackers and some very high hp mages up front. The Demon shark is fast but has a lot of armor. This level 1 team has a shot in this fight for sure. You can watch the full replay here but time to get into it.

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Round 1
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With the buffs on now, things look a little better and a little worse. I have more HP but he has armor. Yet also he got faster. This might give me a better chance at some dodges. The main thing helping me is that I lowered his attack. Now he isn't going to kill anyone fast. The round will start with my Disintegrator hitting the demon shark then his seaweed will hit the Arbalest but only for one. Then 2-speed archers will get to attack. They all-land hits but the Portal spinners hit Nerissa removing that armor. That drops the Demon Shark down to 3 and when it is time for the 3 speed attacks the Narwhal will hit my Djinn but then I am able to kill off the demon share and hit Oshannus once. His Deeplurker hits my Arbalest also and the mages hurt my Disintegrator but not a bad round one.

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Round 2
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It is clear that the speed boost is going to hurt him a lot. Most of the time that Oshannus would be a lot of trouble for me but not in this setup. This is the round I really take the match over. I don't miss any attacks. The portal Spinner Attacks the Deep Lurker not the best target but again gets that armor out of the way. The Arbalest is able to hit hard and that lets her team up with the Prismoldgiest to kill Oshanus. Then My healer is able to get a heal off before Nerissa attacks letting my Disintegrator live to round 3. But before that heal goes off the deep lurker tries to hit him and misses saving my Arbalest for round 3 now.

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Round 3
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As you can see this match is now in my hands. But who will the portal spinner target? It was pretty funny to watch him go armor hunting again and hit the sniping narwhal. I have a lot of damage this round and really just take the fight over leaving him with just one guy on the board.

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Round 4
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Look at that everything worked out just right that we are going to win this fight without losing anyone.

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It was nice to win. I know that was a level one team but it is the end of the season and that is what is around my rating. I didn't play for a few days. I need to get back to grinding up right now and posting has Hive is up and time to put those posting rewards into cards.
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Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

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