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RE: Splinterlands Raffle Bonanza #173

in Splinterlands24 days ago

Once again one of our own has overcome the long, hard struggle to amass a horde of over 200 Raffle Tickets. A hearty 'Well Done!' goes out to @belhaven14 for having the fortitude to stay the course and complete this arduous journey. You have earned the title Champion of The Arena and the magnificent gold foil prize that goes with it.


The journey to amass a horde of over 200 Raffle Tickets is indeed a testament to the incredible fortitude and unwavering dedication required to navigate such an arduous path. This achievement underscores the importance of staying the course, regardless of the challenges and obstacles that may arise. The process of gathering each ticket, day after day, is not just about the accumulation of numbers, but about the perseverance, strategic planning, and resilience demonstrated throughout the journey.

Earning the title of Champion of The Arena, along with the magnificent gold foil prize, is a remarkable accomplishment that speaks volumes about the commitment and strength of character required to reach such heights. It serves as a powerful reminder to all participants of the value of persistence, the importance of setting goals and diligently working towards them, and the incredible rewards that come with steadfast dedication to one's aspirations.

This achievement is a beacon of inspiration, encouraging others to embrace the journey, to face each day's challenges with courage and determination, and to never lose sight of their goals, no matter how distant they may seem. It is a clear demonstration that with enough perseverance and strategic effort, even the most ambitious of dreams can be realized, and the most challenging of journeys can lead to extraordinary success.


My friend got a heart transplant but regretted it immediately.
You could say he had a change of heart.

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