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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Bring DEC to PEG using Team SPS fund.

in Splinterlandslast year (edited)

The premise of the idea isn't bad. However, the proposed implementation leaves a bit to be desired.

The issues I see are:

  1. The team's SPS are not the DAO's SPS; so it doesn't seem right to demand that of the team.
  2. Burning the DEC would waste it when simply taking it out of circulation should be good enough, (I'll explain below)

Don't get me wrong, getting the flywheel going faster is a good idea, but If the DAO is going to decide on it, it should be the DAO's funds that do it. With that, I think burning the DEC would be a waste and would only hurt whoever tried to buy the flywheel into motion.

Instead, I think it should be our(the DAO's) funds that buy the DEC to take it out of circulation. However, I suggest the DAO hold it to be prepared for when/if there's a reason that the flywheel system can't cope with what's making the price of DEC rise too high again. Instead of burning the DEC and using it for this purpose, the Dao selling some back into the market would further enrich the DAO. Especially if it trades the DEC for SWAP.HIVE or something else it can do more with.

As far as what too high is, I think that's a figure that should be discussed and decided by those in the DAO.

I honestly think that would be a better method to go about it. I'll keep an eye on this and ponder for the next couple days before I vote.