in Splinterlands2 years ago


Image by Sunny611 from Pixabay



Hello, friends. This week's challenge is - Scavo Firebolt. Lets quickly check out his stats:


He is a decent starter card from the Chaos Legion release. He starts off with 2 ranged damage, 2 speed and 4 hp. I mostly use him in the lower-ish mana battles with Noxious Fumes, as with the 4 base hp and +1 from Tarsa he gets a total of 5 and can attack 3 rounds if left unattended by the enemy team. On level 4 he gains another point of damage which is a big power spike for him, but I only have level 1 Tarsa so I will be using him on level 1.


Rulesets and team composition


  • Close range: Ranged attack may be used in the first position in battles;
  • Reverse speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks;
  • 20 mana cap;
  • Available splinters: Fire, Water, Life, Death;

So for the above rulesets i normally aim for Life or Fire Splinter. Seeing the enemy liked to use mostly Melee and Ranged damage I decide to go for Fire, as with the reverse speed I find it better on this mana cap.

Monster I chose:Why I chose it:
tarsa.pngHonestly - my go-to summoner for Fire. There is almost no instance I would go for Pyre, perhaps in a Silenced Summoners ruleset. We get +1 melee damage and +1 hp. In the current match with reverse speed there is no point in going Pyre as it will nerf us so its a no-brainer.
living-lava.pngThe perfect tank in my fire deck. High base Damage of 3, 6 base hp, Shield and also a 2 armor just to make him even more annoying. The 1 speed in reverse speed will make him attack first and smack the enemy quickly.
radiated-brute.pngAnother great pick for the reverse speed ruleset with his 1 speed, 2 base damage and 5 hp.
scavo.pngLastly I went for our star, as I only had 4 mana left and no better monsters to fill it in these rulesets.



If you don't feel like reading you can check the battle by clicking here.

Round 1

As we enter the arena we face off an interesting opponent - a level 2 General Sloan with Shieldbearer as a main tank, Armorsmith to repair his armor and the main source of damage - Pelacor Arbalest. The entire enemy team has 2 speed, which means our Living Lava and Radiated Brute will attack first, but sadly the radiated Brute kicks off the battle with a hit on the enemy Shieldbearer which leaves him with 1 armor and we waste a good 3 damage after Living Lava's attack. Armorsmith repairs 2 points of armor just for our Scavo Firebolt to take them away. Shieldbearer attacks, taking one point of armor away and Pelacor Arbalest misses one of his attacks and fully eliminates our Living Lava's armor.


Round 2

Round 2 begins with Living Lava and Radiated Brute smacking the shieldless Shieldbearer taking him down to 3 hp. Unfortunately all the enemy attacks land on Living Lava so he is down to his last 2 points of health. Lastly Armorsmith repairs 2 points of armor only for Scavo Firebolt to take them out right away.

Round 3

The final round begins with each of our monsters kills one for victory to be achieved, as follows:
Radiated Brute kills Shieldbearer, Living Lava kills the Armorsmith and our star Scavo Firebolt closes the battle with a killing blow on the Pelacor Arbalest.


Result and post-game thoughts:

Basically everything worked out perfectly. The one 10% miss we managed to get in round 1 secured us the victory.

Thats it from me this week, have a great workweek, everybody!



Thanks for sharing! - Legalizabrazil#3575

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