in Splinterlands2 years ago


Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels



Hello everyone!
This week's battle challenge star is Mycelic Morphoid. Lets see his stats:

Briefly, not anything you don't know - Mycelic Morphoid is a 1-mana cost monster, starting off with 1 damage, 1 speed and 2 hp. The only ability he gains is Thorns at level 3.



To be honest with you its not a monster i use very often. Mostly it's a must for an Equalizer matchup. For this week's battle where I decided to use him is this:


  • Earthquake: Non-flying monsters take 2 melee damage at the end of each round;
  • Broken Arrows: Ranged attack monsters may not be used in battle;
  • 17 mana cap;
  • Available splinters: Fire, Earth, Life, Death.

So my thoughts when I get Earthquake is "Get Brighton Bloom - win", lol. Sadly Dragon splinter is not available. To top it all of Water is also unavailable, which gives us 1 armor for a free round of Earthquake.

After this I decide to go for Obsidian and Regal Peryton.


Team composition:

Monster I Chose:Why I chose it:
obsidian.pngI opted in for Obsidian so she can buff Regal Peryton, who is quite deadly with his 5 speed and 2 magic damage, and the innate Flying ability.
pelacor merc.pngFor a main tank I went for Pelacor Mercenary. He has 8 base hp, 1 armor, 2 speed and 2 damage and the Flying ability which is amazing.
regal peryton.pngAs the main source of damage which would not take damage each round is the Regal Peryton.
mycelic morph.pngWith 1 mana left I went for our trusty Mycelic Morphoid to act as a backline defender.

So the main thing in this game I had in mind was to outlast the enemies damage, and not opt in for more damage myself, but missing out on the Flying ability and use the Mycelic Morphoid as a defender in the first round for our Regal Peryton in case we encounter a Sneak attacker. Lets see how it works out.

If you dont feel like reading a little you can just watch the battle from the link here.


Round 1

Going into the battle we encounter a heavy debuff team in the face of Thaddius Brood, Creeping Ooze and Undead Priest. Thadius basically nullifies our Obsidian buff and to top it all off take away 1 more hp from our Monsters.
Nothing really unexpected happens in this round, a few attacks are exchanged and we wait for the enemy to die from Earthquake. Mycelin Morphoid served his purpose and protected our Peryton from the first attack from the Silent Sha-vi. Undead Priest takes 2 damage, Creeping Ooze and Furious Chicken die at the end of the round.


Round 2


Starting the round the enemy Haunted Spirit and Silent Sha-vi both have 3 hp. After all attacks are dealt - Regal Peryton and Pelacor Mercenary take 3 hp from Haunted Spirit and the enemy Silent Sha'vi leaves our Peryton on 1 hp only. The Round ends with Haunted Spirit and Undead Priest dieing from Earthquake which leaves Silent Sha-vi with 1 hp in the first position.


The round begins and ends with Regal Peryton's attack and victory is achieved.


Post-game thoughts:

If I had known if I'd be against Thaddius I would've picked Mylor just so the victory would be achieved much easier, but it all worked out fine. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this battle I would love to let me know in the comments.
Thank you for your time and see you next week.



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