in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)


Photo by veeterzy on Pexels.

Hey guys!
This week the challenge is to use the Mycelic Slipspawn, which is one of the must-have CL cards in the Earth splinter imo. Lets check out its stats:

As you all know, the Slipspawn has Taunt since level 1, at level 4, gains the Forcefield ability, and at max level 8 slow. The damage gets from to to 3 on level 6. Imo the biggest spike is level 4 and 6, which is perfect for the Gold League.

As the Slipspawn is so widely used in semi-high to high mana matches, there are quite alot of games to pick from, but i chose this one.


The rulesets:

  • Equalizer: The initial health of all monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base health;
  • 44 mana cap;
  • Available spliters: Fire, Life, Earth, Death.

Normally in those matches i tend to use more high-armor / high damage / low health monster, but at this mana cost i just didnt seem like a good idea, so I wen for this:

Monster I chose:Why I chose it:
In this battle I used a level 6, rented Obsidian. The choice is obvious - the +1 magic damage buff is just too good to pass on.
grund.pngAs a front-line I opted in for the level 5 grund, with Trample. As the Mycelic Slipspawn has taunt in the backline and with Queen Mycelia's backline heal ability Grund should be just fine.
kron.pngAs a second tank, in case Slipspawn and Grund die, I put in Kron, with his self-heal and the heal from Goblin Psychic things should be fine, most of the time.
queen-mycelia.pngObvious choice for this team, Backline Heal to sustain the Slipspawn, 2 magic damage. Only thing wrong is we dont have anything to benefit from the Amplify, but oh well.
goblin-psychic.pngAnother obvious choice. At level 6 he gets the Silence ability which makes the Mushroom Seer abit redundant.
brownie.pngJust a 1 mana filler, and a +1 damage to Grund, which with his Twin Strike and Trample makes him even more deadly.
mycelic-slipspawn.pngThe star of the week - another no-brainer choice. High hp pool, bit with Forcefiend and a heal, we should be just okay.


Round 1

round 1.png
Starting the battle we see that we are against and Owster Rotwell, but only on level 3, which gives us a huge advantage in the levels of the cards. Thing should be fine, even with the Magic reflect, but since we went for Slipspawn and Grund, all our monsters have 12 hp, which shouldnt hurt us so much. So round one goes better than expected, as Legionaire Alvar didnt even have a chance to hit, before dieing. The round ends with Grund intact, and Slipspawn left with 8 hp.


Round 2

round 2.png
Up next to tank is the Prismatic Energy, which dies to Grund's second attack, but the Trample attack is wasted on Djinn Muirat's armor. The round ends with our entire team close to full health, except the Slipspawn which is at 5, but its fiiine.


Round 3

Nothing unexpected happens here - Djinn Muirat and Dhampir Stalker die.


Round 4

round 4.png
The battle ends after a few attacks.


Results are in:

Not much to say, as the battle was kind-of pre-decided by the level difference of the summoner and monsters.

Thank you for your time, and see you next week!


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