  • 👉Share your post to some OTHER Social Media site. Literally ANY site. (We want more people to know the joy of playing!)
  • Link both your HIVE post AND the social media site you shared it to in the comment section below.

AND I personally suggest you put more effort into the post to get bigger rewards.

haha dude its my first post. and if we're going to be sticklers, how bout all the posts WITHOUT a video huh?

it's my first post

Do you mean your first entry in the challenge?

how bout all the posts WITHOUT a video huh?

What about a video? I didn't say anything about any videos. I just showed you the easy rules and I didn't make those rules, trust me. You just gotta share your post on any social media and leave a link to the social media share. And I don't think anyone is getting rewarded WITHOUT doing that.