Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlandslast year

Hello my dear Splinterlands friends. I Hope you all are very well. I'm fine too. Today I am going to describe you about a card. The card is very good in my opinion. So today I appeared with a review of this card.

Start a card Review


The wild brown Unicorns of Anumün contrast the white Unicorns of Khymeria in many ways. Unicorn Mustangs travel in herds, while Sacred Unicorns are only seen alone. The brown Unicorns are not considered sacred like the white, but they are still protected from hunt and slaughter by a superstitious stigma that no Lyverian dares challenge. When approached in the wild, Unicorn Mustangs act as though anyone and everyone but fellow Unicorns are their enemies.
I am very very grateful for your support everyone.
I am sure you liked it. Friends, thanks for giving your precious time to my post. Stay safe & have a great day ahead.

My refferal link: https://splinterlands.com/?ref=hiron34