A Budget-Friendly Approach to Splinterlands Battles

in Splinterlands5 months ago (edited)

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Since transitioning to the Wild format, my passion for Splinterlands has flourished. The diverse array of cards contributes to an exhilarating gaming experience. While the choices can be daunting, there are moments, whether perusing YouTube or exploring fellow Splinterland Curation Challenge posts, where a particular lineup or combination catches my eye, sparking the desire to incorporate it into my own deck.

Allow me to introduce one of my preferred lineups, featuring additional cards I've recently rented and am contemplating purchasing. This decision is particularly crucial as I often find myself in the Bronze tier during the initial days of the season, eventually reaching Silver 1 or Gold 3 by the season's end. With Earth being one of my favored splinters, focusing on Earth today adds an extra layer of enjoyment.

(Please note that all prices were accurate at the time of writing, sourced from Peakmonsters.com).


Battle Link


Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $3.54 or 3728 DEC
Cost to rent: 0.877 DEC per day (Daily)

Undoubtedly, this summoner holds a special place in my heart. With a substantial boost to magic damage, crafting a competitive lineup around this summoner becomes remarkably straightforward. My inclination is to incorporate Gold Foil cards whenever possible, and this summoner is no exception. Utilizing a Gold Foil summoner not only adds ongoing value to my lineups but also grants access to Gold Foil Brawls, where I consistently earn most of my SPS week after week.

I was fortunate enough to win this card during a SplinterlandsTV Twitch stream in the summer, further enhancing its sentimental value (despite its market value experiencing a halving in that time period!). While opting for a Regular Foil version could easily reduce the cost, my recommendation is to use the max level summoner for the league whenever feasible. Doing so unlocks a plethora of fantastic abilities that await you on the battlefield!

Mycelic Slipspawn

Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $1.901 or 1996 DEC
Cost to rent: 1.07 DEC per day (Daily)

With Taunt being one of my preferred abilities, I can strategically direct opposing damage. As long as I steer clear of a Fury ruleset and occasional Fury abilities in the opposing lineup, this card should endure. With a base damage of two Magic and a robust health of 11, this second-level Chaos Legion card is a steal at the current price. Obtaining it at the second level ensures full earnings in Silver and a formidable Bronze card.

Goblin Psychic

Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $0.69 or 724 DEC
Cost to rent: 0.16 DEC per day (Daily)

The strengths of this card are widely recognized by all players. With the Tank Heal ability, it aids in sustaining the front line attacker while dealing significant damage from the back line. A superb addition to any Earth lineup. Affliction at fourth level makes this card a nuisance to play against.

Wood Nymph

Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $0.22 or 231 DEC
Cost to rent: 0.095 DEC per day

For four mana, this delightful healer is perfect for little league lineups. Combining it with Goblin Psychic ensures sustained tanking, allowing the rest of the lineup to fulfill its role. Additional health and speed benefits await you after first level but not massively worth it in my mind. Once I finish my land plot perhaps I'll level this further.

Mushroom Seer

Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $1.88 or 1983 DEC
Cost to rent: 0.582 DEC per day

I rediscovered the power of Silence, especially in Bronze where Magic damage is typically low. At the first level, this card, while slow, boasts two Magic damage. When combined with Obsidian, it becomes a powerhouse. Despite its Beta and Rare status, the current price is reasonable. Initially I was hesitant due to the cost during the previous Bull Run, it's now affordable for a single BCX. For Silver Level full earnings, a cost between $5 - $6 is quite reasonable.

Goblin Sorcerer

Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $1.03 or 1082 DEC
Cost to rent: 0.109 DEC per day (Daily)

Few players anticipate a sneak attack with magic, making this card
a fun addition to the lineup. It often proves instrumental in unlocking tricky defenses during later rounds by eliminating their healer. Well worth the single BCX. But take this card to fourth level and you have the best part of three damage to work with.

Fungus Flinger

Why this card?
Cost to purchase: $0 or 0 DEC
Cost to rent: 0 DEC per day (Daily)

In the last position, I typically place the Goblin Sorcerer and/or Spirit Hoarder, depending on the mana. In this particular ruleset, Neutral cards were not available, so I opted for Fungus Flinger in case they managed to break down my frontline.


Cost Summary

Considering this lineup of Splinterlands cards, the total purchase cost for the selected cards amounts to 9744 DEC, equivalent to approximately $9.28 USD based on the current exchange rate of $0.0009515 per DEC.

For those opting to rent, the monthly rental cost totals 86.79 DEC or approximately $0.08 USD. Notably, in the case of Obsidian, costs could be significantly reduced by choosing a regular foil version, offering potential savings for players pursuing a budget-friendly strategy.


Do you have a particular combination of Earth Splinters you like to use?

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...and rent out your cards for some juicy DEC rental fees. Save yourself the hassle of listing and relisting and let the Rental Golem take over for you:

How to invest without FIAT in a bear market? : https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@holdeck/how-i-am-investing-for-after-the-bear-market
Setting and redefining goals in a bear market: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@holdeck/setting-and-redefining-goals-in-a-bear-market

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Splinterlands Fire divider by freeztag
Splinterlands Icon Divider made by holdeck and available here
All card, icons, Splinter images and stats courtesy of Splinterlands
Ability and Ruleset blurbs taken from Splintercards
Splinter Element Icons taken from Splinterlands
I have reformatted them into PNG files which you are welcome to use here

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Disclaimer: ChatGPT assisted with suggestions to enhance the overall writing style and crafted the summary for this blog, utilizing the provided content with some minor adjustments from myself.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

The green deck offers a lot of options and I like the fact that you have many healers in the deck in Wild. Great post!

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Good Day
The choice of cards depending of one's budget is useful to all Players.
Happy gaming
This post is informative and convey practical tips to Splinters in the community.
Successful week in the arena


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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

nice investment strategy with gold foil and an awesome magic battle.