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RE: Changes for a great future for Splinterlands?

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Mixed bag on the changes. Yes I like being able to increase my reward cards up some levels. None of them are maxed yet so not needing to burn anything.

Prices of cards and SPS have dropped 30 to 50% over the past couple of months. This implies opportunity or death of the eco system. Hard to want to put more money into a system that is dying but lots of cheaper cards and land if you want to invest/bet on the system.

My silver deck has made it to as high as diamond 2 this season in wild. Just a lot of interesting data points.


It's always a question to invest more in the game. I haven't invested exterior money for quite some time and I reinvest a part of my SPS earnings. I think that it's important that the game can't be milked by bots because in the end it's the real players that pay for it. In this respect, I think the changes are good and hopefully it will bring the economy around.