The Benefits of Having Gold Foil Cards in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hello everyone!

Have you ever thought of having a gold stuffs like gold necklace, watches and other jewelries made of golds, for sure many few or many of us want to have at least any kind of golds, because if you have a bunch of gold products for sure you're fortunate, because in this materialistic world if you have sort of gold or jewelries for sure you belong to the fortunate people out there.

this is my first Gold Foil Legendary Card the gold foil Ruler of the Seas

Gold Foil Splinterlands Cards?
Did you know that there is an digital collectible card game called @splinterlands a.k.a. @steemmonsters? And in this game did you know that you can collect digital cards by buying or completing daily quests. And aside from regular cards it is also possible for anyone to pull some gold foil cards, gold foil cards is a gold foil version of a regular foil cards and it is much rarer than the regular ones, I know that this is not a kind of physical gold that many of us wanted but like actual gold this digital gold foil card can be pricy like the real gold or even more than the price of actual gold.


look at this card the Gold Foil Promo Edition Legendary Summoner "PRINCE JULIAN", this is the rarest card in the splinterlands so far and there is only 1pc existing, and look at the market price of this card, the market price of this card is 20,000 usd this price is crazy and much more than the price of the real gold Lol.


Benefits of Having Golf Foil Cards
And since it is a card game having gold foil cards can give you more benefits and advantages in the game than the ones who don't have gold foil cards.


  1. More dark energy crystals (DEC tokens) reward bonus: In every gold foil card you use in a battle you will get additional 10% DEC tokens bonus as a reward if yoy manage to won a game, imagine... if you use 5 gold foil cards in a battle you can also get additional 50% to your DEC rewards.


  1. Access to Gold Foil tournaments with high value rewards: If you have a set of gold foil cards that you can use in your battles you can also enter tournaments which is exclusive for gold foil cards only, take note... these tournaments are offering high value prices for the winners.


  1. Gold foil cards holds more DEC tokens than the regular foil cards: Also, If you're a Hodler and want to hold DEC tokens, well holding gold foil cards are also a good alternative on holding DEC tokens, because the burn rate of Gold foil cards are much higher than the regular foil cards. For example... the regular foil reward edition legendary card is worth 1,500 DEC when you burn it while the gold foil version of the same card is worth 75,000 DEC token when you burn it, huge difference on burn rate right?


  1. Not all the players/collectors can own gold foil cards: Gold foil cards is also much more rarer than the regular foil cards and only few gold foil cards can be distributed in the whole splinterlands game, especially the epic and legendary gold foils, so if you have some epics and legendary gold foils well you're probably holding a nice digital asset because the price of those gold foil cards has a potential to go higher and higer overtime, so if you have a bunch of gold foils I can say that you're very lucky haha..


My final thoughts
For me having gold foil cards can give many advantages in both rewards and Hodling, and also this is just my own opinion and also this is not a financial advice all the decisions are up to you if you want to buy, hold or sell.

That's all, thank you for dropping by and for your time spent reading this post.


The price of that Prince Julian card though...

Lol I know right. I guess it’s based on scarcity.

Whoa nice card!