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RE: Splinterlands Update - Huge Wild Changes

in Splinterlands12 days ago

I am playing this season in Wild too, with two of my alt accounts, and I must say, it's entertaining as f*ck. Can't believe I can reach diamond with just renting bronze CL deck and some SPS rent. With the current change, I might transfer them to modern and just earn a bit of GLINTs. But will see if the recent changes will somehow be beneficial if I stay.


Hey Jabee, it's been a while. I remember you from the SPLTV days haha. I agree, Wild has been entertaining and fun. Just rent a few more cards and you might even reach Champ. If you have 40 vouchers you can test it out; since that seems to be the cheapest option right now. Some say that the rewards next season should be higher since there should be significantly less bots there.