Daily Focus Rewards Chest January 29-30 Total of 10 Chests

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Yesterday, I wasn't able to post what I got from the daily focus chest because I was a bit busy, so today, I'm posting two sets of daily focus rewards.

On Monday, January 29, I received 5 rewards chests. I wasn't able to play much because I was busy with various things. Even though I only get a few daily focus chests, I am still happy that I get to open one every day. This also adds to the soul-bound cards, merits, and SPS that I have, even though the amounts are small. As I mentioned before, opening chests is a matter of luck.

So, here are what I got on January 29:

January 29 Daily Focus Chest



  • Merits: 80
  • Alchemy Potion: 1
  • SPS: 0.029
  • War Pegasus - Regular Foil
  • Imperial Knight - Regular Foil

And here's what I got today:

January 30 Daily Focus Chest



  • Merits: 19
  • Alchemy Potion: 2
  • SPS: -0.06
  • Terraciuos Grunt - Regular Foil

As of now, there's only 1 day and 13 hours left before the End of Season, and I already have 32 chests. There's still plenty of time, and I can still add more.



Playing Splinterlands is not only enjoyable but also mentally stimulating and rewarding too.

If you're interested in trying out this game, you can start with a free account. However, free accounts do not offer rewards. To transform it into a Play-to-Earn experience, consider purchasing the Spellbook.




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Hello, my weekly report just got published. What about reading it and maybe giving a upvote ? It allow me to give better/bigger votes in the future

Where does the general keep his armies?
In his sleevies.

Credit: reddit
@jacejav, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of memess.fun
