Finally, SPS is over $0.02 cents. Splinterlands social media challenge.

in Splinterlands11 months ago


The rate of SPS was falling down for a long time but now there has been some change in it due to which the rate is increasing. This is a very good thing for Splinterlands and for those who hold SPS. Just a few days ago the rate of SPS was $0.016 but today the rate is around $0.022. Which is a very good thing and it seems that SPS rate will increase further in the coming days.

By the way, I have been playing splinterlands for a long time, but till date, I have never posted anything related to it. But now I am thinking of being active in hive along with splinterlands. So this is my today's social media challenge in which I will talk about the rate of SPS.

I don't have much SPS, I want more and I'm not selling any SPS. I will not sell SPS until sps rate goes above $0.50. Not with this change but I think it will happen soon. SPS will moon one day.


Replaced collection power with SPS staking

This is a commendable step and it was also very important because of this people will buy more instead of selling SPS. To get maximum rewards. By the way I play in Silver and to play in Silver one must have 11370 SPS to get 10x rewards.
I have about 5300 SPS right now. And 6000 I have taken on rent from a friend. You can check how much SPS you have and how much income you can get from this link. There you just have to enter your staked SPS details and your rating.


By the way, those who do not have SPS should not be sad. The rate of SPS is very low right now and the rate will increase significantly in the coming days, so if you do not have SPS now, then this is the right time to buy SPS. Buy SPS as much as you can, now is the chance, later you will have to repent when the rate of SPS will increase.

The staking requirement will also help prevent bots

Many human players are frustrated by the bots. Even the big players are using bots these days. Which is really bad. Well, sometimes when I don't have time to play I use bots too. I use the SplinterMate bot because it's cheap. But it is not that good. It is cheap so I use it when I am busy. But I would never recommend you to use bots. And if you play in Modern, you will soon be blacklisted for using bots. So it is better to avoid bots.

Well, now the Splinterlands team is going to ban everyone who uses bots in the modern. So no more bots in the modern. It's really cool for people who only want to play with humans like me. I only have wild cards but after this change I am thinking of renting cards and playing in modern as well. Currently I do not play in Modern so they will not blacklist my account in Modern. So I can play Modern after this change.

Sometimes I also get frustrated playing by myself because in Silver There are only bots. I think there will be only 10 human players out of hundreds. lol But it is easy to compete with bots, I win easily. And after they ban bots in modern, all bots will come in wild, then competition in wild will increase a lot and income will also decrease. All the human players will move to modern, that's why I am also thinking that I will start playing in modern, for the time being, I will rent cards and buy cards gradually.

So, guys, I would like to know what is your view on SPS price. Will SPS reach 0.05 cents in the coming days? Let me know in the comment below. And if you ask me, I am pretty sure that it will surely reach 0.05$ in the coming days. Then $1 soon :D :D :D.

Thank you for your time


If you're already in Splinterlands it's cool but if you haven't joined Splinterlands this is the perfect time. Here is my referral link. Join us today!! If you have any queries then you can ask in below comment box.



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Which is a very good thing and it seems that SPS rate will increase further in the coming days.

Exactly sister and we still have time to accumulate more sps tokens before it's getting too late. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Well, It's brother, not sister. I am a boy :D

Thanks for sharing! - @underlock