That's Free Money Right There...

in Splinterlands7 months ago (edited)


I know @aftersound is a Voucher detractor.
But I like @yabapmatt take on Vouchers.

That Vouchers are literally a free reward for playing the game.

You can use them within Splinterlands or convert it for something else.
That is why having a Voucher Liquidity pool is important.
The ability to do a SWAP saves you time while also adding an Asset base.

If people want Vouchers they can PLAY or Buy from the Market.
Both motivations are a runway towards entering the Splinterlands economy - which is one of the Game Modes. Tokenomics is a thing.

The Scarcity of Vouchers is directly related to the Utility of having them. This inspires a creative outlet for those who operate within the 4th Dimension.

All of this data at our fingertips is due to the Tools that our decentralised platform provides.

Content Creators, Trading Platforms, and Tokenomic Breakdown Sites are all right there at our fingertips.

I was driving along this morning just milling over the numbers that I have been seeing on all of our great information providers.

The landswell of foundational interest will make a mountain out of Splinterlands.

This is what Decentralisation is.

Thank you Splinterlands & Hive.


I wouldn't call myself a voucher detractor, but they've had no significant use case for most of the 2 years in existence. Rebellion is starting to change that and I'm looking forward to what the team does in 2024 with other features they add which could increase utility.

You, & your posse, are assets to the game.
Although, having listened to @clayboyn on @thepeoplesguild this morning, I really look forward to an @aftersound AfterSound card.
Note: It can only be purchased with Vouchers (and any that you buy costs x5 Vouchers)
