in Splinterlands3 years ago


Hi Everyone, this Weekly challenge is use Centaur, i will use the lv1 version, rented for 0.1dec/day, For me the only attractive thing about this card is the snipe ability.

To try to understand their uses I performed several combats, but I'll deal better specifically with 2 of them, and the replays of the 4 games trying to accomplish the challenge are below.

Battle replay link
-> challenge 1
-> challenge 2

Challenge 1:

Rules and Manacap

rule thaddios.png


Used to decrease magic damage and reduce hp, for centaur to clean, along with elemental death.

Monsters used


first tanker, the shield skill was useful as the opponent used a lot of melee and ranged creatures.

Silent Sha-vi

secondary taneker, would still do a lot of backline damage because of the sneak ability.

Death Elemental

Low-cost creature with Snipe ability, along with centaur were aimed at trying to clear a creature from the backline per turn.

Xenith Archer

Creature to complete total manacap, low damage, but would serve as a body to protect the centaur and elemental death.

Undead Badger

Creature to complete the total manacap, low damage, but would serve as a body to protect the centaur and death elemental, in addition to attacking the opponent's backline with sneak.

Challenge 2:

Rules and Manacap

rule 1.png


Used, because the opponent had a history of decks with ranged and melee cards, so this summoner would be efficient in this case and would allow me to use cards of a specific type of my choice. (the ability to fly was decisive in the end, dodging some attacks that would cause my defeat)

Monsters used

Venari Knifer

Along with the ability to fly, your thorn ability and high damage would drain your opponent's entire melee team.

Mycelic Morphoid

Fix the manacap curve, besides being a body for a possible creature with sneak, thus preventing you from reaching the centaur.

Game reference:
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All images taken from

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