in Splinterlands2 years ago

feral thumb challenge.png

Hi everyone,
The Share your Battle Weekly Challenge of this week is Feral Spirit.

We can see below the status of this monster by level, its usability is for 3 reasons, first and most importantly, its Sneak ability, second having low cost and third having high speed (evade attacks and attack faster), it can be used in intermediate and final positions, either to protect the backline in the last position, or to protect being used as a body in the third or second position.

feral stats.png


Match 1 - Mother Khala x Thaddius Brood


match 1.png

Match 2 - Mother Khala x Mother Khala


match 2.png

Match 3 - Mother Khala x Bortus


match 3.png

Match 4 - Mother Khala x Tarsa


match 4.png

General comment about the matches

In general there were 2 tank options to be used, the main one was Shieldbearer and Chaos Knight, the first one used in general case, it is more expensive in mana, but it has higher hp, Taunt ability and still has high total HP value +AMOR, the second is specific for duels x non-magical decks, in addition to these cards, Feral Spirit was added as a source of damage and to take advantage of Sneak's ability, in some duels other creatures were used, usually creatures with Sneak/Opportunity or ranged, as was the case with Stitch leech, Herbalist and Celestial Harpy, as well as in duels with more mana, monsters with utility abilities were added, such as Truthspeaker, Time mage and Djinn Renova.

Game reference:
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