Cursed windeku wish you a very happy new year!!!

in Splinterlandslast year

Hola! Hello!!


Cursed windeku es una carta difícil de tratar, los invocadores que rodean muerte siempre quitan stats a los demás, y con la habilidad torns... Complicado no ?

Muerte tiene facilidad ante obsidian, en este caso supuse que me jugaría esa carta y por el pude anticipar como defenderme...

Cursed windeku is a difficult card to deal with, the summoners that surround death always take away stats from the others, and with the ability torns...

Complicated isn't it? Death is easy against obsidian, in this case I assumed that he would play that card and because of him I was able to anticipate how to defend myself...


Una victoria un poco sufrida. Pero al final se logro el objetivo!

Acá les dejo el link!!

A slightly suffered victory.

But in the end the goal was achieved! Here I give you the link!!