Legionnarie... Not another simple Soldier

in Splinterlandslast year



Primera vez que uso Esta carta, de hecho sencillamente la alquile para poder realizar este post, es una locura la facilidad que te da para poder ganar, tener alguien que te soporte tantos golpes es una locura.

Recuerdo haber tenido la Oportunidad de comprar esta carta o Tusk the Wide, pero termine eligiendo la carta de fuego, la uso demasiado y me parecía demasiado útil por la usabilidad que tenia en contra la obsidian ja de ja.

First time I've used this card, in fact I simply rented it to be able to do this post, the ease it gives you to win is crazy, having someone who supports you so many blows is crazy. I remember having the Opportunity to buy this card or Tusk the Wide, but I ended up choosing the fire card, I use it too much and it seemed too useful for the usability it had against obsidian ha ha ha.


Acá les dejo el link de la batalla:



I usually like tanks with more health so I haven't used Alvar much. Will rent after brawls and try him out for a couple days based on your recommendation. Thank you!

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