Splinterlands: Helheim Demon's Taunt helped me beat a maxed level opponent

in Splinterlands2 months ago (edited)

Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a great battle that I had and it's about the card Helheim Demon.

Featured Cards

Helheim Demon is a death splinter that costs 10 mana. It has the ability flying and taunt from the very first level. It learns corrosive ward at level 3 and cripple at level 8. This a high-cost card but with flying and its speed, it can dodge a few melee or ranged attacks.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png

The ruleset this time Lost Legendaries and Armored up. This means that no legendary cards can be used and all monsters start with 2 armor. There are 41 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, life, death, or dragon splinter.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Thaddius Brood4Summoner-1 magic and health
Cursed Windeku61stThorns and Heal
Arachne Thug62ndReach and Trample
Venari Bonesmith43rdLife Leech and Poison
Ravenhood Warden44thInspire and Protect
Dhampir Stalker75thTrue Strike
Helheim Demon106thTaunt and Flying
Total Mana:41


I used Thaddius Brood as my summoner because it reduces my enemies' magic and health by 1. I start off with Cursed Windeku as my tank with heal and thorns. Then I have Archne Thug in 2nd spot with reach and trample. I have Venari Bonesmith with poison to help out with the damage. Following that, I have two ranged monsters. One of them has inspire and protect while the other has true strike. Both of these monsters will help me out with damage and in the last spot is my Helheim Demon to tank any ranged or magic attacks.

Round 1

round 1.png
At first glance, this will be a tough match. My opponent has a level advantage so it depends on whether or not I can kill my opponent fast enough. I do think that I have the speed and damage advantage.

Round 2

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I was able to take out one monster on my opponent's end but my taunt monster is almost dead. At least it did tank my opponent's damage so I didn't suffer as much.

Round 3

round 3.png
I was able to take out another monster my opponent only took out my taunt monster. Looking at my damage, I believe that I have the advantage because my opponent will only have ranged monsters left after I take out the last magic monster. This means that when one of them takes the first spot, they won't be able to attack. However, it still requires me to land my attacks to do so first.

Round 4

round 4.png
At this point, this match is my win. My opponent only has ranged monsters left and I have more than enough damage left that I can kill off my opponent over time. While it might be possible for my opponent to overcome this, I don't think it's likely given the speed difference and my monster with true strike.

I was able to win the match a few rounds later.


The battle this time around went exactly as I expected. The Taunt monster was able to attract enough damage for the rest of my lineup to deal enough damage. While my opponent had the level advantage, I was able to kill his monsters faster and this led to my win in this match. I used abilities to increase my damage so that it would happen and it worked out.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations on your win
Keep it up and I hope you win more just as you have always done

Thank you

You didn't use a lot of magic cards, so the effect of the Grandmaster was limited on your cards. Great to see you slugging it out with a maxed summoners and with the big boys.

Yea but it's all in modern Silver league. So modern is its own beast.

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