Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Theme: Splinterlands 6 Year Anniversary!

in Splinterlands28 days ago

Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. This week, it's about how Splinterlands has become 6 years old. I didn't even realize that Splinterlands has been active for so long.

Discovery of Splinterlands

How did you come across Splinterlands? Was it through a friend, social media, or perhaps a chance encounter? Share the story of your first introduction to this enthralling world.

It reminds me of how I learned about Splinterlands from a Brave Ad. After that, I learned about the Hive Blockchain. So I can say that Splinterlands was what brought me over to Hive and I don't regret it at all. It has led to a lot of things and even if I have slowed down a bit in Splinterlands, I try to make sure to play every night when I can.

Duration of Participation


How long have you been a part of Splinterlands? Are you a seasoned veteran or a recent addition to this mesmerizing realm?

I have been playing since October 2020 so it's been over 3 and a half years already. I didn't realize that it has been so long but I did join when Untamed packs were being sold. I remember buying $1,000 worth of packs and I still have some of those packs. Overall, I would say that the investment payment paid off and those packs that I didn't open are more valuable than the investment that I paid. I would say that I am a seasoned veteran at this point.

Time Spent in Splinterlands

Share the amount of time you dedicate to Splinterlands daily. Does it consume a significant part of your day, or do you balance it with other activities?

I tend to spend around 1 hour a day on Splinterlands on average. I tend to do that at night after I catch up with what I need to on the Hive Blockchain. It's not too much but I would say that I do brawls and on average around 10 fights per day. I should do more because I am leaving energy on the table.


What have you managed to achieve in Splinterlands? Have you conquered certain leagues, earned particular rewards, or accomplished personal milestones that make your journey stand out?

I would say that my greatest accomplishment is to reach the Champion League. Back when I started and the league caps were there, I never thought that I would get there at all because I don't have a max-level deck.

Upcoming Goals

What are your aspirations within Splinterlands? Are you aiming for a higher league, collecting specific cards, or mastering a new strategy? Share your future ambitions within the game.

I would say that my next goal would be to make it Champion II. I have been in Champion III during the last week of the season but I can't seem to get enough points to cross over into Champion II yet. I was about 100 points off at one point last season.

Advice for Beginners

Imagine speaking to someone who's just stepping into the Splinterlands universe. What advice would you give to beginners, based on your experience? Share tips, strategies, or insights that could help them navigate this world effectively.

I would say to do plenty of fights and learn from your losses. When I first played, tournaments were a great source of good lineups and which abilities synergized well together. You will get there eventually but learning about which cards work well together will help a lot. At some point, you will have to level your cards though.


It's the 6th year anniversary for Splinterlands and I had fun looking back at how my Splinterlands journey went.

How has your Splinterlands journey been?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Splinterlands has been existing for six good years and the game has remained relevant as ever
Good job to the team and every player

Yea. It's an old game but I still like it

You have over 600k collection power and 20 champions point. Wow, it's definitely been a journey for you..

Yea. The champion points are recent but I never realized that they existed. It doesn't have any impact on the game though.

It is a nice Friday with Splinterlands. Happy anniversary.
Do you have a favorite elemental warrior in your collection?
Thank you for sharing in the community

I think my favorite right now is Daarg Deadblast.

I used it each time I am playing with the water element.
Strong card

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