Brawl Report : Another Win for our Top Team, and rewarding our Brawlers with $THGAMING & $DBLN Tokens!

in Splinterlands11 months ago (edited)

THGaming Brawlers - 1st place in Tier 2 (3rd week in a row)

Since dropping back down to Tier 2 Brawls in THGaming Brawlers Guild we are getting much higher placings in our Brawls, finishing 1st most weeks (our lowest place is 2nd so far). The Card rentals to achieve these high finishes are also a lot less expensive than playing in Tier 3, and there is a bit less pressure on the players.

We are still looking for active Splinterlands Brawlers to join us and win some $SPS. Also, if you'd like to see what @thgaming has been up to, please have a look at the THGaming Hive Community where our most important Posts are pinned at the top. We are one of the busiest Hive gaming communities and definitely worth Subscribing to!

@dynamicrypto from @psyberx is the leader of THGaming Brawlers Guild and has created a Bounty Program to reward out Top brawlers and help recruit more players into our Guilds. Read all about it here : 'Valor and Generosity Rewarded! Glorious Gifts for Legendary Heroes!'

@doomz is my 2nd Splinterlands account, which plays Brawls in THGaming 2 Guild, where I managed to get 6 Wins 1 Loss. I wanted to get all wins in DOOMZ again this week, so that one loss really stung, but 1 loss over 2 Splinterlands accounts isn't too bad!


If you just want to Watch the Battles, here they are, otherwise keep reading for a review of my three Wins :

>> Battle 1 Link (W) : 47 Mana << - Obsidian *3 (W) vs Aquatus *2 (L)

>> Battle 2 Link (W) : 47 Mana << - Kelya Frendul *3 (L) vs Conqueror Jacek *2 (W)

>> Battle 3 Link (W) : 29 Mana << - Obsidian *3 (W) vs Obsidian *2 (L)

My Brawl : 3 Wins 0 Losses

➡️ 22.92 $SPS for 1st place finish

With the addition of the new Soulbound Summoners and the new CONSCRIPT ABILITY & RULESET (which allows the use of one additional Gladiator card in League battles) Gladius Cards are a lot more valuable and Guild Brawls are the only way to earn MERIT POINTS used to buy these Gladius Packs! If you aren't in a Brawling Guild and want to start earning $SPS & MERITS, we'll happily Welcome you into the THGaming fam.

My Goldfoil Brawl Performances


This week I was again able to win 3 out of 3 Brawls. The competition is a bit easier in Tier 2 but I'm still up against accounts with levelled Gold Summoners and Monsters, so I do rent a number of cards to make myself more competitive.

BRAWL DETAILS : I played BRAWL FREY 15 (Silver Level GOLD CARDS, all Series allowed). I currently own 109 Gold Cards including 7 Summoners (all Splinters covered), however I rent a number of Cards for Gold Brawls. The Gold card rentals also allow me to be more competitive when playing Wild or Modern league matches.

Reviewing Three Brawl Battles - Frey 15

Most readers don't have time to go through overly detailed posts, so I will summarize my three winning battles below. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.

Jim-Crypto - Brawl Battle Review 1 (Win)

47 Mana - RULESET : Unprotected, Melee Mayhem, Up Close and Personal
Summoner Used : OBSIDIAN *3 (Rented)
MVP : QUORA TOWERSHEAD (see below) although all attackers did well!


>> View Battle 1 Here (47 mana) <<


In this battle LEGIONNAIRE ALVAR (Lvl 2, Legendary) and OBSIDIAN (Lvl 3, Rare Summoner were the two rentals I used in my lineup:

THE FIGHT : With the rulesets allowing only Melee Monsters in the lineup it seems strange for me to use Obsidian, but my plan was to boost QUORA TOWERSHEAD'S Magic attack, hoping my opponent wouldn't have any Magic defense monsters up front (such as UNICORN MUSTANG). In the back row I used TERRACEOUS HULK (my best Soulbound Reward Card pulled so far) simply to tank as much damage as possible. I wanted TERRACEOUS HULK's Taunt Ability to draw as much fire as possible, keeping my other Monsters alive, especially QUORA TOWERSHEAD in the middle. With the Melee Mayhem ruleset I could place my Melee attackers anywhere in my lineup, so simply spaced them out accordingly, using my Mana as efficiently as possible.

LESSON LEARNT : Unfortunately for my opponent they simply didn't have enough Melee Goldfoil cards in their Water deck, and left 22 Mana unused in their lineup. If you're going to play Goldfoil Brawls I recommend renting cards and buying as many Goldfoil Neutral cards as you can, even common ones!

Jim-Crypto - Brawl Battle Review 2 (Win)

21 Mana - RULESET : What doesn't Kill you, Taking Sides, Rise of the Commons
Summoner Used : CONQUEROR JACEK *2 (Rented)
MVP : CHIMNEY WALLSTOP (seen below) whose BLOODLUST Ability ate up the opposition.


>> View Battle 2 Here (47 mana) <<


In this battle I have 1 rented Goldfoil Cards, the Legendary Fire Summoner CONQUEROR JACEK. His SPEED (+2) and PIERCING buffs really helped my CHIMNEY WALLSTOP to do a huge amount of damage up front.

THE FIGHT : As mentioned, in this battle my MVP was CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, and he was instrumental in this victory. My opponent had 3 cards in their lineup at positions 3, 4 and 5 that could NOT attack, being Melee monsters, so either they didn't read the Battle Rules properly (it happens to us all) or they simply wanted to stack their lineup with high damage cards. Meanwhile every one of my cards was attacking, with two of my Monsters getting a boost from my well placed FIRECALLER ranged attacker, whose MARTYR Ability boosted the cards around him when he died from DEEPLURKER'S Opportunity attacks.

LESSON LEARNT : Read the Battle Rules and make sure as many Monster's can attack as possible (unless your strategy call for something different), otherwise your lineup will just get eaten through.

Jim-Crypto - Brawl Battle Review 3 (Win)

29 Mana - RULESET : Explosive Weaponry, Noxious Fumes, Holy Protection
Summoner Used : OBSIDIAN Goldfoil *3 (Rented)
MVP : QUORA TOWERSHEAD'S (seen below) Self Healing saved the day, although once again all attackers did quite well!


>> View Battle 3 Here (29 mana) <<


In this battle I used a rented OBSIDIAN Goldfoil Level 3 Summoner in my team, as I currently only own a Level 2 version. A Level 3 Summoner allows me to use levelled Monster cards in my lineup so I often rent a few higher level Summoners that I am missing.

THE FIGHT : The Ruleset Noxious Fumes meant that I was always going to use QUORA TOWERSHEAD next to the MARTYR Monster FUNGUS FLINGER. I wrote a detailed post about using Quora with Martyr cards, so check it out here for more info on this strategy : 'Quora + Martyr, the new 'Llama Kron combo'? Use this lineup to ruin your opponent!'. Quora was easily able to heal through the NOXIOUS FUMES (poison) damage and my opponent didn't seem to have a proper 'healing plan' in effect.

LESSON LEARNT : Only a very strong SNEAK attack would have killed QUORA at the back of my lineup, and my opponent did not go this route, instead favouring a fairly average EARTH splinter formation. QUORA'S self healing and Martyr boost proved too powerful for the enemy and it was a fairly easy battle to win.

THGAMING Guild Brawl Finishes and Rewards

This Brawl week THGaming Brawlers emerged as our highest placed Guild with a 1st place finish! Below you can see the summarized Guild performances and $SPS winnings.

🏆 THGaming Brawlers (1st place) TIER 2 BRAWLS - The guild has won spoils of 53 Crowns in the latest brawl! Also, each fully participating member was awarded 2,981 Merits and 22.924 staked SPS.

🏆 THGaming 1 (10th place) TIER 2 BRAWLS - The guild has won spoils of 11 Crowns in the latest brawl! Also, each fully participating member was awarded 481 Merits and 5.607 staked SPS.

🏆 THGaming 2 (3rd place) TIER 1 BRAWLS - The guild has won spoils of 9 Crowns in the latest brawl! Also, each fully participating member was awarded 415 Merits and 9.15 staked SPS.

I'm sure most of you already know that @splinterlands has made Guild Brawls truly profitable and Guild Brawlers now win staked $SPS Tokens for Brawl participation. The amount of $SPS you earn is dependent on your Guild Tier (Arena level), Guild Participation (how many Freys are filled) and how well you actually finish in the Brawl each week.

We currently have spaces available in ALL of our Guilds so feel free to request to join any of them. If you'd like priority access let me know in the comments and we'll see which of our Guilds best suits your playing style. Read my >> Guild Recruitment Post Here << for more info.

Top 5 Finishers in this Brawl

Below you can see our Top 5 finishers this Brawl. They will all be sent 2000 $THGAMING Tokens as a thank you for their epic performances! Also the two Brawlers with no losses will also get 2k $THGAMING for their excellent work! We have started rewarding our players from all 3 Brawling guilds, so join one today if you're keen to earn $SPS, MERITS and $THGAMING Tokens.


Join a THGaming Guild

As mentioned we do still have positions available in all of our Brawling Guilds (our top 3 guilds seen in the picture below). If you'd like to join a THG Splinterlands guild you can simply apply to join and we'll let you in. We also have a Discord server Private Channel for our Guild members only!

Join a thg guild.png

I hope you enjoyed this Brawl Report. Let me know in the comments what you think about @splinterlands Brawls, or any general Splinterlands strategy, and I'll be sure to upvote (tip) the best remarks.

Thanks for joining me in my Gaming and Crypto journey. As always...

Trade safely, Game hard.



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