Quora + Martyr, the new 'Llama Kron combo'? Use this lineup to ruin your opponent!

in Splinterlands11 months ago (edited)

Llama x Kron still slightly Over-Powered

Splinterlands players from the 'Untamed Days' (before Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers) will remember the seemingly indestructible 'LLama Kron combination', which often felt unbeatable.

For just 17 Mana you could throw a SCARRED LLAMA MAGE Summoner and KRON THE UNDYING onto the battlefield and watch as Kron received +2 LIFE, CLEANSE and most importantly LAST STAND. Owing to Kron's immense health & self Healing this LAST STAND often made him unkillable, especially in low mana battles!

Last stand.png

There are a lot more ways to counter the LLama Kron combo these days and it's not as powerful as it used to be, but a lot of people still use it. You can see in the Battle Below how I utilized a Kron and Llama (with a bit of VENARI MARKSRAT Martyr help), to beat a strong DEATH lineup quite easily.



>> Watch the ABOVE Llama Kron battle here <<

QUORA TOWERSHEAD + Martyr Strategy : Reviewing a Battle

For those that don't know, QUORA TOWERSHEAD is an Epic, Earth Splinter, Gladiator Monster only available in Gladius Packs (which are obtained using Merits won in Guild Brawls).


As mentioned there are a lot more ways to counter the LLama Kron combo in today's Splinterlands game. A strong SNEAK attack and using Summoners who nerf Magic attacks such as IMMORTALIS can often take down Kron. So let's have a look at the next 'meta strategy' that I employ for certain Rulesets....

BASIC STRATEGY : For POISON, OPPORTUNITY and EARTHQUAKE Battles, where the Earth Splinter is usable, place QUORA TOWERSHEAD in the middle and surround her with MARTYR Ability Cards. When the Martyr Cards die she will be boosted considerably. This almost acts like 'BLOODLUST' an ability she already possesses, along with self HEAL.


I've already posted about how powerful the Martyr Ability is and you can read about it here: "Martyr is Unbalanced : 7 Rulesets to use with Martyr for insane results! Poison, Born Again / Resurrect, Earthquake, Opportunity, Snipe, Fire and Regret."


Let's take a look at the featured Battle now :

MANA - 34
SPLINTERS - Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Dragon
RULESETS - Noxious Fumes (Poison), Are you not Entertained? (1 Gladiator Card can be used)

This POISON Battle Ruleset also allowed the use of one Gladiator Card, but even if the Ruleset doesn't allow Gladiator cards, you can always use the Soulbound Summoner LOBB LOWLAND, whose CONSCRIPT Ability will let you use 1 Gladiator (Quora) in your lineup.


  • I placed QUORA TOWERSHEAD in the middle to protect her. We want the Martyr Cards to die so that both Quora and Kron can be boosted.
  • The MARTYR Ability Cards VENARI MARKSRAT and FUNGUS FLINGER were placed on either side of Quora. These are both Soulbound cards which can only be won in Daily Quests and Season Rewards...another reason to keep playing the game.
  • I also managed to get a Level 2 DOCTOR BLIGHT (rented) into my lineup, a great card whose AFFLICTION Ability should help to stop front row healing.




  • A strong lineup from my opponent. He chose a level 2 URIEL THE PURIFIER in the front Row which is a powerful TANK with his Self Heal (which he only gets at level 2).

  • My opponent went for VENATOR KINJO (in 2nd position) who at Level 2 gets IMMUNITY so wouldn't be affected by the ruleset of POISON DAMAGE.

  • SILVERSHIELD BARD was a great choice in the fourth row, as his CLEANSE ability would prevent URIEL from taking any poison damage up front.

  • He finished up his Lineup with two powerful magic cards CAPTAIN KATIE the Gladiator, and ADELADE BRIGHTWING. I Definitely had a battle on my hands!



  • By round 3 I was a bit worried as my Cards were all wiped out and only Quora remained. Luckily the Martyr Cards had done their work and boosted Quora a whole lot.
  • Doctor Blight has also done his job, preventing Uriel from healing in the front. AFFLICTION is a great ability when it works (which is not always).


  • By this stage Quora was unstoppable, having 16 health and 13 Damage (magic and melee). VENATOR KINJO and SILVERSHIELD BARD were dispatched with ease.

>> Watch the ABOVE Quora battle here <<

My Best Gladius Card ever pulled!

A few months ago I was able to pull an Epic Goldfoil GLADIUS CARD (after the brawl) probably the most highly rated Gladiator card out there : the super powerful QUORA TOWERSHEAD (seen below) with her MAGIC and MELEE Damage, as well as self HEALING and BLOODLUST, making her an unstoppable force in many siutations.


While Quora is an absolute beast of a card, there is a good chance she will be 'Banished' from Brawls, which is a 'Guild Skill' unlocked at BARRACKS level 3 (seen below). The most common banned cards are QUORA TOWERSHEAD, YODIN ZAKU and SCARRED LLAMA MAGE, all incredibly powerful cards in their own right; although sometimes you'll see less OP Summoners banned like KELYA FRENDUL or OBSIDIAN.

QUora banished.png

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We do still have positions available in all of our Brawling Guilds (our top 3 guilds seen in the picture below). If you'd like to join a THG Splinterlands guild you can simply apply to join and we'll let you in. We also have a Discord server Private Channel for our Guild members only!

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🏆 THGaming Brawlers TIER 2 BRAWLS - Our highest rated most competitive Brawling Guild. We have decided to move back to Tier 2 brawls after testing Tier 3 for a few months.

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Trade safely, Game hard.



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One of my favorite combos right now! I love Kron, martyr, then Quoara just like your setup, it's tough to beat. Add in a LLama and it's even tougher!

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