Interesting How UNICORN MUSTANG Becomes Frequently Used Following The Launch Of OBSIDIAN | Chest Loot

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

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The launch of OBSIDIAN have really drove attention towards UNICORN MUSTANG if you are looking at using magic monsters and making sure your frontline monster isn't just whipped out before the first round even concludes.

We are looking at THOHILO THE FROZEN and ALRIC STORMBRINGER kind of similarities here if compared to the Water and Earth element. If we look further we could find such similarity in other elements as well.


Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle! - Brave 2_4_2022 6_16_34 PM.png

  • DEC 15


Being a Sneak Quest, URAEUS played the sneak role quite well while the magic monsters had a go at each other. CORNELUS kept it tight in second spot which helped in keeping the magic monsters focused on delivering attacks after attacks.

Just a favorite battle of the day!

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You love the PELACOR BANDIT award. :)

Mushroom Seer foiled the opponent's plan.


PELACOR BANDIT comes my way a lot, now I have it at level 5 and 4.

MUSHROOM SEER has become my favorite lately, to reduce opponent's magic attack.

Thank you.

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I saw your article about PELACOR BANDIT yesterday, that's why I said that :)

I was also preparing content to share a battle about MUSHROOM SEER. It caught my attention when I saw your battle. A very effective the monster.

😀 I thought as much, I will look out for your content.

Only PELACOR BANDIT as a card? 🥱

Am stacking them up

Nice bro

Thanks bro!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bro. Can you help me to up vote my post.

Thanks you bro

Try refrain asking for upvotes, I don't see it as a good habit. The upvotes will come your way one way or the other as long as you are consistent and building your account here.
One way I show appreciation for people commenting on my post is by upvoting the comment, am sure lots of people do that which invariably is like upvoting your post...

Just an advice buddy. I will be on the look out for your posts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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