Splinterlands Social Media Challenge//VALNAMOR

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hallo Friend
How are you all, I hope everyone is well and good .I am fine too. Today I drew picture the name of the picture Valnamor. So friends, let's get started on how we can do this Valnamor picture art.


I am art these pictures step by step.you will see this picture.
First we will art the Valnamor whole body parts of the body with a pencil.
First I draw with a pencil A4 paper to draw the picture.This picture was very difficult to draw the picture.Then I am trying to make the picture beautiful and well


Step :2
The drawing was very difficult, so I drew a pencil first. Then I work with pink yellow,blue & orange colour pencil.

Step :3


Step :4

Step :5
Friends, I am periodically colour painting the pictures. You keep seeing.


Step :6
Step :7
I have finally finished the step this art of the picture. I hope you all will like it.
I said before I can't paint but i'm still try my best art. if there is any mistake in it .you will look at it with forgiveness look thanks all.
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