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RE: Splinterlands | Moving Beyond Ponzinomics !

in Splinterlands2 months ago

There is also this trend of the company wanting to get Stable assets from the DAO which the community isn't really fond about. I also don't get why the promo event needs 100k worth of assets as 'rewards' which is basically the company dumping some of their holding inflating and crashing the prices even more.

They probably wouldn't get 100K if they sold those assets on the open market. Not enough liquidity in the packs and cards market.


I wonder if they still that short on funds and runway that they need to sell off some of their asset holdings to keep going at a time when everything is down that much. One thing is sure right now especially with this latest update, the community sentiment is at an all-time low and I guess many will be throwing the towel the coming weeks.

The DAO should be holding stable coins (non Splinterlands assets) as an emergency fund to keep the game going. Frankly I don't care at all about any promo right now.

basically the company dumping some of their holding inflating and crashing the prices even more.

Yeah, I didn't think of that part. Would probably hurt old card prices.