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RE: Splinterlands | Baron's Bounty Promo Event Thoughts...

in Splinterlands2 months ago (edited)

Being a player and card asset owner in the game has been brutal for a long time as the supply continues to increase while at the same time asset values continue to go down week after week after week with nothing really being done about it.

Yeah, it's been brutal. Also, the new airdrop summoner (Lorkus) is the definition of power creep. Power creep does not incentivize me to put more money in a game as it does nothing but devalue older cards.


There is still a userbase that is willing to throw money at them but the more they are milking these, the fewer will be left over time. What bothers me more is that they learned nothing from the Untamed Legendary airdrops which totally broke the game. It's the same thing with this Mantaroth card, seeing an opponent play this card you instantly know you pretty much have no chance. It just takes away from the fun of the game and they are still stuck in the need to make money making the economy somewhat hold up which goes at the cost of a fun gameplay trap.

The entire purpose of Modern was also to make the game accessible and affordable to new players while the exact opposite has happened which makes no sense. Really tough spot for Splinterlands right now but despite all it's still fun in a way and hard to just say screw it I'm out and take the money that is left.