The Splinterlands Experience w/ The INDEX Squad

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

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This week I got to hang out with the INDEX Squad and do a live stream with the guild :)

Usually Sunday's are reserved for the sports show, but my co-host had to take a break so we used the time to stream Splinterlands and try to hit Gold 3 League.

Even though we didn't hit our goal, we had a blast....

  • Added 3 new members to the INDEX Squad Guild

  • Showcased the rental card that we bought and started renting for @he-index (DEC payments have already been sent out!!)

  • Gave away a bunch of cards

  • Showed new players a pretty slick little set up for Earth Splinter that doesn't cost a mortgage payment!

And so much more!

If you wanna check out the streams when we go live, make sure you subscribe to our Twitch account or follow along on Vimm as well :)

=> Twitch Streams

P.S. Huge shout out to @clove71 for stopping by the stream and for the massive support. It's an honor to have one of the legends of the game check out what we're trying to build with our streams and the guild!!!

▶️ 3Speak


About holding DEC: aren't you afraid of the soft-peg of the DEC to 0.001 USD and its price decreasing in order to get closed to the pegged value?

Investing in DEC sounds like a great investment (lots of SPS Airdrop Points, growing price, etc.), but I'm very much aware of the whole pegged value stuff.


Nah, I mean if it goes back, it goes back...To me, I'm always trying to get the assets in the game (cards, land etc)

But DEC right now is a great one..Who knows what the future brings for the price of it lol

Indeed, I'm also accumulating assets, but I'm opting on buying cards, as they have an intrinsic value on themselves. DEC is so juicy nowadays, so I'm trying to find someone to convince me to hold it too hahahaha

The team looks like it's coming together nicely good work! I have a feeling guilds and brawls are going to be a powerful earn and fun aspect of the game moving forward.

It's been fun. Everyone is just soaking up the info, no stress to win games or anything.

Nice! Is there a place we can go and see the rental cards you acquire? Or do we just have to watch these videos every week? lol

Any progress on the PLOT?

I just bought another chunk of INDEX in preparation for you guys mooning this thing... :-)

It was an Oshannus card, I'll do a post with all the info, details etc :)

We're renting it for 100 DEC right now, and I'll stay on top of it to make sure it's rented every day.

We're thinking PLOT for sure, but wanted to see how the card went. Short term dividends for holders right now and then present to INDEX holders a 'fund' within the INDEX to acquire more assets in the game. PLOT being top of the list for sure!

Welcome to the fun :)

So that's the reason that I started getting DEC for holding INDEX (Curated by r1s2g3)
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Yup yup :)

And hopefully we'll continue to build on it. So far, seems like a great strategy for INDEX holders.

Thanks for the curation! Much appreciated!

I'm not super clear what the benefits of joining a guild are. An additional quest a day?

It's just a fun way to compete for the guild rewards, you get a little DEC bonus for winning matches too.

but it's SUPER expensive to start and grow these things lol

That was a lot of fun, thanks for having us. Thanks for the cards, and the strategy tips really made a huge difference. Index Squad RuleZ!! :-D

Every Tuesday now at 7pm eastern...Tell your friends LOL

This is kind of you @jongolson am still preparing to join the splinterland family

No better time than now.

Short Summary:

The speaker in the video shares their journey of growth and learning within the game Splinterlands, highlighting their evolution from a beginner to a more strategic player. Discussions revolve around specific cards, gameplay tactics, and interactions with experienced players and content creators within the gaming community. The importance of community, continuous learning, and strategic thinking is emphasized, reflecting a narrative of progress, camaraderie, and engagement within the dynamic world of blockchain-based games like Splinterlands.

Detailed Article:

The episode delves into the speaker's transformation from a newcomer to a seasoned player in Splinterlands, showcasing their evolving knowledge and strategic prowess. The narrative is punctuated with reflections on key elements of gameplay, including specific cards like Pelicor, Mylar, and failed summoner, demonstrating the speaker's deepening understanding of game mechanics and tactics.

A central theme of the episode is the speaker's proactive approach to learning from experienced players and content creators in the Splinterlands community. Mentions of individuals like Clove, Dwayne Cunningham, and Bulldog underscore the speaker's dedication to improving their skills and staying abreast of optimal strategies within the game. This emphasis on seeking guidance from mentors and engaging with the broader gaming community highlights the collaborative nature of Splinterlands and the value of shared knowledge in enhancing gameplay experiences.

Strategic considerations form a significant part of the discussions, with insights shared on building effective decks, maximizing card abilities, and investing in valuable summoners like Mylar for competitive advantage. The speaker's candid reflections on their addiction to the game, catalyzed by acquiring a legendary card, offer a glimpse into the immersive and captivating nature of Splinterlands, which fuels continued interest and participation in the gaming ecosystem.

The episode also touches upon the speaker's gratitude towards the audience, signaling a sense of community spirit and camaraderie that underpins interactions within the gaming community. Expressions like "rock with me" and "see you toodles" contribute to the friendly and inviting tone of the dialogue, creating a welcoming atmosphere for viewers and fostering a sense of belonging within the gaming community.

In crafting an article inspired by this transcript, key takeaways could revolve around the themes of perseverance, continuous learning, and community engagement in personal and professional development. The narrative of growth and improvement, illustrated by the speaker's journey in Splinterlands, can serve as a motivational account for readers embarking on their own paths of skill enhancement and expertise building.

Moreover, exploring the integration of blockchain technology in gaming, as hinted by the speaker's reference to being "always on, on the blockchain," could spark discussions on the potential benefits of leveraging innovative technologies for enhanced gaming experiences and heightened security measures. This intersection of gaming culture and technological advancement offers a rich landscape for exploration, showcasing the synergies between digital innovation and recreational pursuits in the contemporary era.

Overall, the episode encapsulates a narrative of progress, community, and technological integration within the realm of blockchain-based games like Splinterlands, offering a comprehensive view of the speaker's journey and the broader landscape of gaming experiences enriched by collaboration, skill development, and shared enthusiasm among players.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested/approved by the channel owner.