Sweet prize for a starter | Season rewards

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hello everybody
This is my second season on splinterlands.

First season i tested and learned the game with begginer steps.Then finished the first season at Silver 3 rank it was actually enjoying procces cause it seems silver is where the game actually starts.

After that i tested many more things ,get crushed back to the bronze and learned more and more about the game.Somehow i managed to get silver 1 ranking which is not bad for me at all.I finished it as a silver 1 and this is my sweet season reward chests ^^

Sezon ödülleri.png

Huh ! not bad for a beginner , in the next seasons i will try to reach higher ranks ofcourse but im also enjoying the procces and challange.

So far What i love about splinterlands is you can procces and grind further with learning the basics.
Of course the guys on the top is something on another level but i think if you play and try enough someday you can reach to the top !

Thanks for reading ^^
See you


Nice one! Good luck next season