Battle Mage Challenge: Holy Protection. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups

in Splinterlandslast month

This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Holy Protection rule.

Splinterlands tells us the following about the Holy Protection rule:

All units gain the Divine Shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.

    Divine Shield will be re-applied when a unit is Resurrected.
    Blast damage will remove divine shield.

In holy protection, we gain Divine Shield for all our units. This means that the first hit they take will deal zero damage. It is beneficial to target the same units with all our attacks, so that we do not waste time triggering various divine shields before killing off the first unit.

We can play pretty aggressively in this rule, especially at low mana. Every unit will be protected, so we can play more fragile units with less concern of having them die before they can do some usefull stuff.


Desirable Abilities

( Redemption, Poison, Double Strike Blast )

Redemption is great in this rule because it removes all the Divine Shields from the enemy team. Poison is also decent, because you still can do some damage with the first hit. Double Strike will remove the Divine Shield with the first strike and then deal damage with the second. Finally, Blast will trigger Divine Shields on the units taking blast damage. This is very efficient, since the Divine Shield ends up covering just the smaller damage from the blast hit, rather than the full damage of a direct strike.


Advantaged Summoners

Yodin Zaku has a clear advantage in this rule since he provides Blast to all his units.


Desirable Monsters


My Battle : Holy Protection battle

Battle configuration
LeagueWild Diamond league.
RulesBroken Arrows, Holy Protection, Silenced Summoners
SplintersDragon, Fire, Life

My Lineup

Opponent's Lineup


Battle progress and Result

In round 1, the Exploding Rats begin by attacking my Imperial Knight, and removes the Divine Shields from it and the Carnage Titan behind it. Next, my Time Mage and Iziar work together to take down the Exploding Rats, who then trigger Redemption and removes my remaining Divine Shields. My Chaos Dragon proceeds to land its hit directly on the Djinn Inferni, taking down three Divine Shields immediately: awesome!. The remaining hits of the round land on big guys, and at the beginning of round 2 we are at this state:


Since my Iziar got stunned, my attack order is now Time Mage->Chaos Dragon. They do their hits, and Chaos Dragon again lands a good hit, targeted on Grum in the second position. After Djinn Inferni damages Iziar, my Carnage Titan takes down the Forgotten One, taking one Retaliate hit back. When Ifrit Rising finally attacks, he kills Iziar, and gives Martyr to my Time Mage and Stitch Leech. At the end of the round, Magi of Chaos and Grum work together to kill the Imperial Knight and Grum gains a Bloodlust stack.


In round 3, my Time Mage removes the armor that Grum gained, and the Stitch Leech kills the Magi of Chaos. Then Chaos Dragon attacks and kills Djinn Inferni, as well as blasting damage onto Grum and Ifrit Rising. Carnage Titan deals a bit of damage to Grum, and Grum misses his strike.


Finally, round 4 ends the game. All my units attack before my Opponent's units, and their damage is just enough to fully bring them down before they can do anything. Victory!


Alternative lineups

Prince Julian is just the best summoner in Silenced Summoners so all teams are for him.

Prince Julian

Prince Julian

Prince Julian

Prince Julian


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Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12