Battle Mage Challenge: Rise of the Commons. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups

in Splinterlands6 months ago


This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Rise of the Commons rule.

Splinterlands tells us the following about the Rise of the Commons rule:

Only common and rare units may be used in battles.

    Summoners are unaffected by this rule.

Rise of the Commons is a rule that usually disallows the more advanced strategies. Abilities such as Blast, Redemption, Double Strike etc are more commonly found on Epic and Legendary units. Instead, this rule makes the battles more about either powerful summoners, or units with good base stats. Kelya Frendul is usually a very strong summoner in this rule, and the Chaos Legion water deck is also very strong with its common and rare cards.


Incompatible Rules

Rise of the Commons is incompatible with Lost Legendaries.


My Battle : Rise of the Commons battle

My battle had the following configuration: Wild Diamond league. 60 mana, rules: Taking Sides, Rise of the Commons, Aimless. Splinters: Earth.

My lineup

For this battle it was a no-brainer for me to go for Immortalis as my summoner. My other option was Obsidian, which does not match well against Immortalis. The lineup is pretty standard. Mycelic Infantry as a bulky frontline because of its Shield and Void provided by Immortalis, as well as high damage potential due to Enrage. For my next monsters, I chose Regal Peryton, Goblin Psychic and Mycelic Slipsp, which are stables in Immortalis lineups. Finally, I added Goblin Tower and Venari Scout. Goblin Tower is great for this mode because it can do a lot of damage with its Blast ability. I spent too long thinking about the lineup here, and ended up positioning the Venari Scout somewhat badly. Likely it wont matter too much due to the random nature of this match, given that we have the Aimless rule.

Opponent's lineup

My Opponent went for more or less the same lineup, with a slightly different positioning, and replacing Venari Scout by Barking Spider.


Battle progress and Result


This battle is pretty slow. In round 1, the units throw attacks all around. My Goblin Tower gets hit by the Barking Spider and Shatter destroys my armor. Similarly, my Goblin Psychic lands a hit on their Tower, and shattering the armor aswell. I get somewhat unlucky with the [Scattershot] targets in round 1, and due to a badly timed hit, my Mycelic Infantry takes a strike from the enemy Mycelic Infantry who has gotten enraged. This removes a significant chunk of my tank's health.


In round 2, I get back some of that luck, and fortunately my Mycelic Infantry delivers a blow before the enemy Mycelic Infantry can attack. This evens out the health a bit, but my Infantry dies when the other tank attacks. My Goblin Towers delivers a much needed direct hit on the Goblin Psychic, who dies, and leaves the opponent frontline without any support. The Silence is also removed, and my magic units can begin doing some damage.


In round 3, its my Goblin Tower's time to die, after Barking Spider targets it for the third time in a row. My Regal Peryton does a very good job of dodging hits, and gets support through Tank Heal from Goblin Psychic.


In round 4, my units are finally able to take down the Mycelic Slipspawn, and right after the Mycelic Slipspawn also runs out of health. The enemy Goblin Tower takes revenge, and delivers a well placed blow into the center of my backline, and my Goblin Psychic falls.


Finally, in rounds 5 and 6 it becomes clear that I will win the battle since I have a lot more health left on my Mycelic Slipspawn than my opponent has. This was a close battle that could have gone either way. Scattershot and having only one splinter available makes it very difficult to pick a team that will safely carry us to victory. Fortunately, the random factors were in my favor for this match.


Alternative lineups

Scarred Llama Mage

Lux Vega


Prince Rennyn


I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might also enjoy my other content.

Battle mage challenges

Battle Mage Challenge: Weak Magic
Battle Mage Challenge: Up to Eleven
Battle Mage Challenge: Up Close & Personal
Battle Mage Challenge: Unprotected
Battle Mage Challenge: Target Practice
Battle Mage Challenge: Taking Sides
Battle Mage Challenge: Super Sneak

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Best of luck in Splinterlands!


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