Opening 77 Gladius cases with Blood Stones in Splinterlands!

in Splinterlands4 months ago


We can now buy Blood and Power Stones for merits again. I have been hoarding my merits for this change, and today I was able to finally use them. I had saved up 175k merits. That gives me a whopping 77 packs to open. I will use blood stones for all my packs since I need quite a few legendaries.



This was my gladiator status before opening the packs. As you can see, I have been cursed with having 0 bcx of Fina Voxom, and a great abundance of Trapp Falloways. Plenty of my cards are close to upgrades, so I expect to have quite a bit stronger gladiuses after opening these packs.


First set of five cards:

We're starting strong, with a Tatiana and two gold foils in the first five.



Next five contains TWO Larissa's, and two Xulax Nightwinds!. That's awesome, because I can now upgrade her to level 3.



The next chunk has a huge amount of cards, and another gold foil. Nothing too special here.



This set has 3 gold foil Katrelbas!



Five Marisol's is good. Two Gorths also brings me enough bcx to ugrade him, so that's cool.



Most boring bunch so far. Lots of Isgalds though, and thats one of my most used Gladiuses, so I can't complain.



This set has the big girl, Quora, but there were a lot fewer bcx than I had hoped. We also found a Sola Ranjell!


Finally, my Fina curse was broken. I gained 1 bcx of her. Maybe I'll use it some day.


Card Upgrades

After opening these packs, I had a lot of cards to level up. Here are the ones I was able to increase:

CardNew level
Chimney Wallstop7
Krash Wanderford7
Alva the Crusher7
Relenor Cleaver6
Edith Emberstar4
Bertrol Gobson7
Cutter Brieze6
Helmet Kharafax7
Hugo Strongsword7
Ajax Lightfoot6
Captain Katie6
Marisol Contuma4
Whistling Damon7
Which of Warwick7
Larissa Kerato3

Some of these upgrades are quite big:

  • Gorth gains Enrage at level 4, making him pretty great for Jacek or Tarsa in some rulesets.
  • Helmet Kharafax gains Magic Reflect at level 7, so he can now be used as a tough frontline that can also deal return damage, also potentially triggering his Bloodlust.
  • Ajax Lightfoot gains another speed at level 6, so she now has 7 speed and Dodge. She can be increadibly frustrating for Sneak setups.
  • Captain Katie has gained Divine Shield at level 6.
  • Marisol Contuma gains Inspire at level 4.
  • Whistling Damon gains another ranged attack at level 7
  • Larissa Kerato gains Dispel at level 3


Final words

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Can't believe you have the discipline to keep all those Merits. I have to rip them open right away :-P

Haha, yeah that took some restraint. I was hoarding ever since I knew that the blood stones for merits preproposal would pass. I need those legendaries :)

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Hey @sc000, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Pretry good upgrades! Lady luck is a bitch, I've been waiting for ages to get my Quora to level 3. Cheers! !BEER

Hey @kalkulus, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121