Very close to my goal of 100 pack purchases. Entered Silver III category

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Daily Quest Update


My daily quest for today was to win 3 battles without neutral monsters. I was happy to see only 3 battles as it requires lesser games to reach the end and win a reward. The battle links are given below. Also, it is not too tough to play without neutral monsters. One is not limited to a Splinter and the strategy for each game is not limited by the quest rules.

Splinterlands Daily Quest Battle 1
Splinterlands Daily Quest Battle 2
Splinterlands Daily Quest Battle 3

The reward for completing the quest was a card. I find cards and potions useful and credits are simply quite a lame reward. Anyway, the card I won is below -


A pretty useful card in my opinion. Mana is quite reasonable. Has good life and also has the flying ability. Speed may not be that good but the Melee attack of 2 makes it a useful front card.

I started purchasing more packs yesterday as I had enough points to be playing in the Silver III category. However, I did not have enough power. Therefore I used all my Hive and HBD balance to buy packs yesterday and finally reached Silver III.


I have now purchased a total of 94 packs. I can certainly say that Alchemy potions are useless. Despite that, I keep buying 5 potions for every pack I open. I don't think I was as lucky as I was with my earlier purchases as I did not get a lot of legendary cards after opening my packs.


Card update

Because I opened so many packs, I had multiple common cards of the same type and I started combining those cards to unlock better stats and abilities. I was able to combine 5 summoners from the earth Splinter to now have a Level 2 Earth Splinter - Obsidian.


I also got a Level 2 fire splinter - Tarsa - in one of the card openings -


I am now very close to having all Level 2 Splinters, except Dragon.


I added 3 more legendary cards to my holdings, 2 x Fungus Fiend & 1 Chaos Dragon. I think Chaos Dragon is useful but 14 mana makes it unplayable in most games. Fungus Fiend is kind of OK, It costs nothing, so can be a useful addition when one is not able to fill 6 monsters in low mana games -



I will make a different post about the Epic cards that I won and which of my legendary and epic monsters do I find the best.

Silver III games

I played one Silver III game since I entered that category. The battle link is below -

Spliterlands Silver III Battle 1

I can tell most new players that battles surely get more interesting and complex as one moves up in position. The number of rules increases to 2. For example, in the battle link I shared, all monsters had the blast ability and the enrage ability -


I won the battle but two extra abilities make one rethink one's strategy for each game. I am looking forward to playing more games but if you can't buy packs, rent out some cards and try and move to higher categories as soon as you can.

That's the update from me folks. I think my progress has been satisfactory in 3 weeks. By the end of this week, I should also be able to complete my goal of buying more packs to reach a count of 100. Post that, I will have to rent out cards, as I do not have more funds to buy packs to double my rating power!

Let me know your strategies for games in the comments below. Also, what do you think about my cards and progress?


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121